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Thread: What do you think about PATCHES

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    What do you think about PATCHES

    [Moderator comment: Although it is not identified as such, this is essentially an advertisement. But rather than editing or censoring the text, I encourage you to read all of the posts in this thread in order to get the whole story. - TNT]

    It’s not even close! Testosterone is still king of all bodybuilding drugs. Sure, sure, all the pros are taking lots of “growth” and insulin and a bunch of other exotic stuff …but without lots and lots of testosterone…they’d all weigh about 75 pounds less!

    It’s true! “Test is best” and it will always be best. It’s what makes a man “a man”! However, after a while, shooting all of that test into your glutes can become very painful because of scar tissue build up around frequently used injection sites!


    By the way, how long did it take that last testosterone shot you took to fully absorb and dissipate from your “scar tissued” glutes?Ten days, maybe two weeks!! This is serious because if that shot doesn’t absorb soon…your body will treat it like an infection and form an abscess! And I don’t need to tell you how painful that will be! But it’s the price you pay for hugeness, isn’t it! Painful, testosterone injections are to bodybuilders what pulled hamstrings are to running backs…just part of the game!

    But listen to this my friend! Your righteous greed for more muscle will no longer be accompanied with the physical pain of jamming your butt with one more 21 gauge 1 ½” needle!

    Instead, your righteous greed for more muscle will now be “aided and abetted” by something that will actually satisfy this greed…an amazing new natural testosterone delivery system that disperses a steady stream of natural testosterone right into your bloodstream…24 hours a day!…without injecting it!

    It’s called Testdren-ADP (short for androgenic dermal patch) and what it does is release 4-androstenediol right through your skin…where it quickly penetrates into your bloodstream over a 24-hour period.

    Do you understand the implications of this? Now, for the first time, you’ll use the most powerful and most androgenic testosterone precursor…and actually get some muscle back. Listen, the idea behind 4-androdiol was logical, because it does readily convert to test! However, taken orally it degrades rapidly in the stomach, which greatly lessens its effects! But worse yet, it doesn’t stay active in the body, (even if it gets 100% absorbed) for much more than 2 hours! That’s it! Just two hours…and then you have to take more. And then more. And then even more…for any possible muscle growth to occur.

    What a hassle! Unfortunately though, this is the only way 4-androdiol will build muscle…it’s got to circulate in the blood all the time just like an injection.

    The good news is, Testdren-ADP easily solves this problem. Here’s how it works. In the “core” or center of the patch is where Testdren-ADP’s 20 mg proprietary blend is stored in what’s called a “intra-dermal reservoir”. This reservoir then slowly “delivers” the Testdren-ADP through a permeable membrane right into the skin. (It’s kind of like water dripping through a coffee filter.)

    Has any one heard about PaTCHES
    Last edited by TNT; 03-20-2002 at 04:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Testosterone patches are for men with a testosterone deficiency. Not enough test in the patch for someone to make any significant gains. I can't beleive they are trying to sell this crap to bodybuilders.

  3. #3
    Sorry, that's not testosterone. It's prohormone. Nice quote on the infomercial.
    Last edited by Methuselah; 03-20-2002 at 03:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Is this also true for the testrogel?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    It's andro crap, don't waste your money. You already wasted enough time typeing that bulls**t!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Yet another reality check . . .

    . . . or, for our friends in the U.K., a reality cheque. (I know...Sometimes I crack myself up. )

    Okay, campers, what we have in JimmyD's little hype is a conglamoration of apples and oranges. I subjectively agree with the statement that test is best, but that assumes that the test ts test. The problem, as Methusaleh correctly noted, is that Testdren-ADP is not testosterone. (And Dyno45, the answer is affirmative: testrogel is also not testosterone.)

    Ini short, Testdren and Testrogel imply that they are like testosterone, but they never come out and say that they are testosterone. Because they are not. Testosterone can only be bought and sold by prescription, and any product that is openly sold without a prescription is not testosterone, period.

    So JimmyD is ultimately comparing apples and oranges. The product(s) he is hyping (and the langue is pure hype) have nothing to do with testosterone. Like any multi-level marketing rap, however, he implies that his products will have the same effects as test. But they won't. Because the only thing that does what testosterone does is testosterone.

    Dizzy is quite correct: Testosterone patches - that is, patches of real testosterone, not pseudo-testosterone - are designed to ameliorate the symptoms of andropause and hypogonadism. They do not come in the strengths that would be useful to the average bodybuilder's cycle.

    There are actual testosterone patches - again, available only by prescription - and they are quite legitimate. However, they have their drawbacks. Real testosterone patches come in two delivery systems: trans-dermal and trans-scrotal.

    The trans-dermal patch can be placed anywhere on the skin, and it stays on you for 24 hours (similar to the Nicoderm patches that are used for smopking cessation). However, the trans-dermal patches have a very high rate of skin irritation, and a lot of patients do not like them for that reason.

    Now, if y'all have your thinking beanies on, you've already guessed that the trans-scrotal patch goes on the scrotum. However - and I kid you not - the scrotum muyst be shaved so the patches will adhere, and when you apply the patch to your scrotum, you have to zap it with a blow dryer. (Yes, campers, that's what I said. You have to blow-dry your shaved nut sack.) Obviously, then, a lot of men do not particularly like this delivery system either.

    The patches have largely been depopularized because of the advent of testosterone gel. Androgel is rubbed on the upper arms/shoulders and mid-abdomen, and does not carry the same pain-in-the-balls baggage the patches carry. But once again, we are talking about real testosterone - thus, Androgel requires a prescription, and is not available in strengths that are useful for the average bodybuilding cycle.

    Whether patches or gel, the men who use them for andropause or hypogonadism are on them for life, not for a finite cycle that only lasts "X" weeks. (Younger guys may use them in cases of delayed puberty, for which the strength is adequate, but they are not on them for life.)

    But - to return to Dyno45's question - the legitimate testosterone product is Androgel, and it requires a script. Testrogel which does not require a script, is not testosterone at all.

    So, if you need a boost of testosterone, what do you use to get it? (All together now, testosterone!) What you don't use is fake test or pseudo test.

    So campers, as the old saying goes, caveat emptor (buyer beware). And - nothing personal, JimmyD - never trust anyone who gives you a sales pitch that makes something sound too good to be true. Because chances are, that's all it is - too good to be true.

    All together now, "Aint nothin' like the real thing, baby..."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Infomercials piss me off, esp. when theyre BULLSH*T!! Sorry you wasted your time JimmyD69 - I trully am because that must have been a pain in the ass to type all of that for nothing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ah wasnt to bad copy and pasted , it was quick

  9. #9
    Wow, I wonder how many patients went for the scrotal patch? Well I shave and blowdry my balls everyday anyway, give me the scrotum patch please.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    hahaha, at least youre honest.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    TNT is abosolutely correct, I know a good friend of mine who has cancer, and is doing Kimo (spelling?), and has the test patch.
    Okay this post looks like something I read out of anbolic insider... needless to say I didn't buy it.. all it is is prohormones..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Not too bad . . .

    Originally posted by Sicilian30
    TNT is abosolutely correct, I know a good friend of mine who has cancer, and is doing Kimo (spelling?), and has the test patch.
    Okay this post looks like something I read out of anbolic insider... needless to say I didn't buy it.. all it is is prohormones..
    That's chemo kimo.*

    * Kimo, on the other hand, is short for kimosabe. From The Lone Ranger, it means "faithful friend." So it really is chemo, kimo.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    3 cheers for TNT, who, as always, is on top of things. And not to mention, is the master of italicizing.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by dyno45
    Is this also true for the testrogel?
    No. Testrogel is something that is suppose to release the testosterone that your body makes naturally. It's made by beechem kleine labs. I had it a while back. Didn't do anything at all but lower my checking account by a hundered bucks. ALL of that stuff is a rip.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    thanks meth & TNT, I figured as much but needed to hear it from somebody else here. I've read up on it and you know how they hype everything up. As you said tnt, If it's sounds to good to be true it ususlly is. I've tried alot of the over the counter b.s. and they all do the same thing - nothing. I will stick with the real thing.
    Last edited by dyno45; 03-21-2002 at 10:17 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicehead land
    Nice try JimmyD, hahahaha!!!!

  17. #17
    any transdermal test method right now is FAR from efficient - wait a few years before this is actually perfected - until then it's a waste of time and money

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    you can get bigger and more testosterone off a nicotin patch then that crap.

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