[Moderator comment: Although it is not identified as such, this is essentially an advertisement. But rather than editing or censoring the text, I encourage you to read all of the posts in this thread in order to get the whole story. - TNT]
It’s not even close! Testosterone is still king of all bodybuilding drugs. Sure, sure, all the pros are taking lots of “growth” and insulin and a bunch of other exotic stuff …but without lots and lots of testosterone…they’d all weigh about 75 pounds less!
It’s true! “Test is best” and it will always be best. It’s what makes a man “a man”! However, after a while, shooting all of that test into your glutes can become very painful because of scar tissue build up around frequently used injection sites!
By the way, how long did it take that last testosterone shot you took to fully absorb and dissipate from your “scar tissued” glutes?Ten days, maybe two weeks!! This is serious because if that shot doesn’t absorb soon…your body will treat it like an infection and form an abscess! And I don’t need to tell you how painful that will be! But it’s the price you pay for hugeness, isn’t it! Painful, testosterone injections are to bodybuilders what pulled hamstrings are to running backs…just part of the game!
But listen to this my friend! Your righteous greed for more muscle will no longer be accompanied with the physical pain of jamming your butt with one more 21 gauge 1 ½” needle!
Instead, your righteous greed for more muscle will now be “aided and abetted” by something that will actually satisfy this greed…an amazing new natural testosterone delivery system that disperses a steady stream of natural testosterone right into your bloodstream…24 hours a day!…without injecting it!
It’s called Testdren-ADP (short for androgenic dermal patch) and what it does is release 4-androstenediol right through your skin…where it quickly penetrates into your bloodstream over a 24-hour period.
Do you understand the implications of this? Now, for the first time, you’ll use the most powerful and most androgenic testosterone precursor…and actually get some muscle back. Listen, the idea behind 4-androdiol was logical, because it does readily convert to test! However, taken orally it degrades rapidly in the stomach, which greatly lessens its effects! But worse yet, it doesn’t stay active in the body, (even if it gets 100% absorbed) for much more than 2 hours! That’s it! Just two hours…and then you have to take more. And then more. And then even more…for any possible muscle growth to occur.
What a hassle! Unfortunately though, this is the only way 4-androdiol will build muscle…it’s got to circulate in the blood all the time just like an injection.
The good news is, Testdren-ADP easily solves this problem. Here’s how it works. In the “core” or center of the patch is where Testdren-ADP’s 20 mg proprietary blend is stored in what’s called a “intra-dermal reservoir”. This reservoir then slowly “delivers” the Testdren-ADP through a permeable membrane right into the skin. (It’s kind of like water dripping through a coffee filter.)
Has any one heard about PaTCHES