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  1. #1
    mikeweb is offline New Member
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    DBol + Sust Cycle... can someone help??

    I was wondering what type of cycle you guys would recommend. I want to use some dbol and sust (which i currently have) along with some nolva and clomi (purchased off ARR)

    Im 23, 165lbs, 5'8"

    I have;
    Thai DBol - 300pills @ 5mg
    Sust 250 @ 24amps
    Tamox 50 ML 20mg/ml
    Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL

    What do you guys think of this cycle? Please modify as you see fit.

    1-4 @ 40mg/d dbol ED
    1-12 @ 150mg sust EOD (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    1-12 @ 10mg Nolva ED
    14 @ (5 days after last Sust shot) 20mg/d dbol for 15days
    14 - 18 @ 10mg Nolva ED
    15 - 18 @ 300mg on the 1st day and 100mg ed for 2 weeks Colmi ED PCT

    Last edited by mikeweb; 12-30-2004 at 06:42 PM.

  2. #2
    alluprbdy's Avatar
    alluprbdy is offline Associate Member
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    only run the d-bol in the begining. besides that it looks good.

  3. #3
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    yep good cycle there mate once u do what alluprbdy said
    good luck=]

  4. #4
    MER's Avatar
    MER is offline Member
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    Agreed, keep us posted on your progress

  5. #5
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    ya i agree it looks alright just do the dbol like said above tho.

  6. #6
    mikeweb is offline New Member
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    So in other words this...

    1-4 @ 40mg/d dbol ED
    1-12 @ 150mg sust EOD (Mon, Wed, Fri)
    1-17 @ 10mg Nolva ED
    15 - 17 @ 300mg on the 1st day and 100mg ed for 2 weeks Colmi ED PCT

    Should I change the dbol to maybe 35 or up it to 45? or just leave it at 40?
    Last edited by mikeweb; 12-30-2004 at 11:38 PM.

  7. #7
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    40's good, unless u do 45 and it will use em up if not just stick with 40

  8. #8
    mikeweb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    40's good, unless u do 45 and it will use em up if not just stick with 40
    My Nolva and Clomi look alright in my latest post aswell?

  9. #9
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeweb
    My Nolva and Clomi look alright in my latest post aswell?
    Clomid I would do the following

    Day 1 300mg
    Day 2-11 100mg
    Day 11-30 50mg

  10. #10
    tycin's Avatar
    tycin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    Clomid I would do the following

    Day 1 300mg
    Day 2-11 100mg
    Day 11-30 50mg

  11. #11
    Susguy's Avatar
    Susguy is offline Associate Member
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    looks like a good cycle bro.. go for it

  12. #12
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    There is a difference between 3x/week and EOD. Doing shots 3x/week will have you doing one day between shots twice, and then having two days between shots. IOW you shoot Monday, then two days later you shoot Wednesday, then two days later you shoot Friday, then THREE days later you shoot Monday again? I don't like it. If you want to shoot EOD, then shoot EOD. Forget about trying to match up your shots to a particular day of the arbitrary 7 day week. Yes, that would cut your cycle down to 11 weeks and a bit more... no biggie. You could reduce your dose a bit or you can just go with the 11+ week cycle.

    The division for 150mg shots works out to getting 5 shots out of 3 amps. Not too awkward... you could just crack 3 amps at a time and load 5 equal shots from them... shoot some back out into an amp from any that compare a bit overfilled, and suck it up with one that is underfilled. When you are satisfied that they are all nice and even, change pins without uncapping the new pins, and store the rigs somewhere clean. dry, dark, and temperature controlled. Oh, be careful not to introduce any dirt or germs into your gear!

    Unlike others here, I am a fan of adding an oral or prop to the tail of a cycle. I prefer to remain in a fully anabolic condition right up until pct. The liver gets plenty of time to recover after the 4 week jumpstart. Remember... time off = time on? BUT I will be the first to admit that it really doesn't make a hyoooge difference. I take it your sources and your supply are limited, and so utilizing your available gear to best advantage is important. With that in mind you might want to go ahead and use it all up in the beginning of your cycle. 300 dbol divided into 30 days = 10/day = 50mg/day... not too excessive. If you had more, I would suggest you do the dbol at the end as well... beginning with 25mg/day a week after last shot and building up to 50mg/day 3 weeks or a bit more after last shot, then beginning pct the next day. Since you don't, I would give equal credence to everyone else's advice, and consider dropping the tail-off dbol and according to your preference and your tolerance to dbol (usually the sides are not bad at all for 50mg) increase the dose to use up your stash.

    One thing to consider with small (less than 1cc) shots is the wastage. If you follow standard procedure you will lose at elast .1cc in the rig. That is insignificant when shooting 2 or 3cc, but VERY significant when shooting .6cc! You can either leave a small air bubble in the rig, or you can first draw up about .2 or .3cc (why not make it .4cc, and then you can look for 1cc total volume?) of B12 or sterile oil. The idea is to not let it mix... you draw the other stuff, then your gear, then shoot... ideally the b12 pushes all the gear out and the only thing wasted in the rig is a little bit of the b12 which is cheap and easily available. Sterile oil is widely available online, too.

    As written, your cycle will work. What I have written and what others have written are merely refinements that we hope will make it just a hair better.

  13. #13
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    run nolva 1 week past clomid
    ur cycle looks fine
    good luck

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