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Thread: how do you mix test and deca?

  1. #1

    how do you mix test and deca?

    I want to do 250mgtest 200mg of deca every 4 days if I mix this together is this to much in one shot and what would be the best way to mix them?I want to do 400 deca 500 test a week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Good q, but i think someone else asked the same one just a few days ago, try searching for the name 'wannabebig' im pretty sure he asked the same q the other day.

  3. #3
    im assuming your using sus,but how about the deca is is 100 mg/ml?
    its easy to mix in the same syringe bro just suck em up
    if you getting your deca from a vial do that one first so you get accuratly get the exact ccs your looking for.
    i wouldny recommend doing more the 3ccs in any part ,except the glute.

  4. #4
    best way to mix them is to put them in the same dart!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Its hard to tell you. Knowing the mg/ml would help alot. If your Deca is only 50mg/ml then of course 200mg mixed with 250mg of test is going to be to much. If your deca is 100mg, mixed wih 250mg of test. That could be ok for a glut, but not so good anywhere else. If your Deca is 200mg/ml mixed with test. Then you could put it in other muscles. Assuming as 4plates stated. That your doing sus. which is one cc. JMO
    Last edited by bortort; 03-20-2002 at 05:24 PM.

  6. #6
    its testoviron depot schering 250mg per amp and norma deca from greece 200mg 2ml I want to do 500 test a week 400 deca a week.I'm trying to figure the best way to do this.should I do 1 deca 200 2ml in 1 cheeck and test 250mg in the other cheek every 4 days would that be a good way.I just am trying to not poke myself as much.what would you recmend 4 plates

  7. #7
    2 ccs deca and 1 cc test in same pin, 2x wk.
    3 ccs is good anywhere ,except tris and bis.

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