i know i konw, i am gonna get flamed but before you do...
i always here you guys yelling at kids to wait till they reach they're potential well here are my current stats,
this is what training since my freshman year on protein. creatine, and glutamine has gotten me,
i am 6' 3"
my squat is 585
my bench is 340
and my incline is 270
since ive been on those supplements i usually have gotten awesome gains within months but for the past 6 months ive stayed the same only improving by 1lb or so.
that is what has brought me to steroids.
i know most of them will stunt my growth but i was wondering if there was a cycle that could help me break this road block?
if you wanna know anything else ask and ill be happy to reply...
also no need to repeat flames ive heard them all