my trainer (my source too) told me that i HAVE to piramid a cycle for 2 reasons :
1- cuz i can't start a cycle with a high dose at once and should gradually increase the does for the body to get used to the new substance.
2-cuz its better to decrease the doses at the end of the cycle to prepare for the testestrone recovery therapy.
both reasons made sense to me ... BUT i noticed that my trainer knows what he knows through experience and he NEVER researched any steroid related info. before and lacks in knowledge about anti-estrogens!
i only depend on him in as a source for steroids now......knowledge-wise: i have a phd. in steroids compared to him!![]()
but knowing that he prepared cycles that worked fine with others before in the same manner gets me all confused !
so what do you guys think of piramiding a cycle ??