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Thread: sustenon 250 need advice?!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question sustenon 250 need advice?!!

    ok-I am about 185 with a 8.5% body fat. I have been working out for about 2 years and when I started I was at about 160 with a bd fat of about 11%. anyway I feel that I have reached my genetic potential and I am going to start a cycle of sus 250. I was planning on doing one shot of 250mgs per week for 3 months and then take 2 or 3 months off and finish with another 2 months of 250mgs a week. All I can get from the dude is sus 250 at least this year anyway. What do you guys think I will see for gains? if any. I train hard with a good diet(high protein low carbs) and I need to put on some quality mass as well as blast through my plateau!!!
    Thanx in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS My bench hasnt gone up in 5 months!!! all of my other excersises have but I cant seem to get that f***ing bench up!!!! will this sus make a dramatic increase in strenght as well as size???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    if you can only get sust,

    500mgs/week for 10 weeks

    and you must also manage to get clomid and some anti-e;s

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    use 500mg/wk for 8-10 wks. 3 weeks after last sus shot take clomid 300mg/1st day, 100mg/10days, 50mg/10days. make sure and have at least 200gm/protein/day, and if you really want mass you need to up the carb intake to around 400gm/day. don't do the cycle without the clomid. This cycle allowed me to keep 14lbs of muscle after clomid therapy. JMO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    If you are looking to SUS..hit atleast 500 a week for atleast 8 weeks. I am on a cycle of it now myself...I have seen some good gains in size and strength. I have also been in th egym religiously so that plays a large part in it of course. I am completely satisfied with my SUS results so far. Clomid is a must! My next cycle I will hit SUS but stack it with some DECA or EQ. HIND SIGHT!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    you need more than just sust, at least some anti estrogens. 3 months is way too long. 10 weeks max, then at least 10 weeks off before doing it again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.

    Re: sustenon 250 need advice?!!

    Originally posted by grabagear
    I train hard with a good diet(high protein low carbs) and I need to put on some quality mass as well as blast through my plateau!!!
    The low carb diet is the reason why your bench is not going up. You are probably in a catabolic state and your body is feeding off your muscle for energy. Change up your diet first before you decide to do gear.

    High protein and low carbs is not a good diet!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store
    Don't do sust for more than 10 weeks. You will definitely see gains from using 250mg/ week. Depending on your diet, I would say around 20 lbs. I would do 500mg/week for 8 or 10 weeks if I were you though. Like the guys say, make sure to have your Nolva and Clomid for your cycle. I did sust 250mg/ week for 8 weeks for my first cycle and lost it all cuz I didn't do my clomid therapy. My nuts looked like raisins.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    belgium (antwerp)
    try at least to get some deca also, to mix it with the sus , because the sustanon only hurts like hell a few days after the injection , a hint , dont shoot into the legg , use the shoulder , and yes , you will gain between 15 and 20 lbs ,

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