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Thread: Testosterone (Chemical Details) Please help clarify vets, mods, and experienced bro's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Testosterone (Chemical Details) Please help clarify vets, mods, and experienced bro's

    Ok, I know what test does, I've read stuff online and read some in medical books. I can't find, however, _exactly_ what reactions take place when testosterone is increased beyond normal levels (i.e. when on a cycle including test). I'm not asking for any long-winded explaination, I know you guys have better things to do, but if you could post me a link to an article or recommend a book it'd be great. I want _really_ detailed account so I know exactly what will be going on in my body, don't want to leave anything to assumptions or chance. (So things like increased cholesterol for example how this actually happens chemically). Not sure if anyone has this kind of info but also info/studies on how much say 100mg of test prop would raise one's test levels and in turn also studies that say what exactly is happening when your test levels are say 500, or 600, or 1000. Anyways you get the picture. I'm willing to do some background reading if that's neccessary to understand some of the more complex stuff, I've already gone through basic endocrinology stuff so I have a basic understanding.
    Thanks, McBain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.
    Anabolic growth

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    heh, I to go a _little_ deeper than that As I said if you know of a book or article that explains it don't waste your breath trying to explain it to me, it'd be easier for both of us for me to go to the source probably. I got access to a GREAT library, one of the best in the country, but I just don't know where to begin looking really besides the basic books I've read.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    Increased blood cell production which transports more oxygen to the muscles...which gives you that increased PUMP feeling. An increase in protien synthesis which sends a message to the muscle cell to uptake more amino acids into the cell which in turn increases the muscles diameter...and preventing the "robbing " or breaking down of protiens for the purpose of energy...Also test allows the body to store more glucose in the muscles which also carries water with the carbs...(so you could say test acts as a glucose disposal agent in a way) which allows you to train longer with more energy...test helps in burning fat,regeneration of the body,all masculining characteristics are a result of test...and the list goes on...I'll try and find one of the books I have on test and PM you!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by Mallet
    Increased blood cell production which transports more oxygen to the muscles...which gives you that increased PUMP feeling. An increase in protien synthesis which sends a message to the muscle cell to uptake more amino acids into the cell which in turn increases the muscles diameter...and preventing the "robbing " or breaking down of protiens for the purpose of energy...Also test allows the body to store more glucose in the muscles which also carries water with the carbs...(so you could say test acts as a glucose disposal agent in a way) which allows you to train longer with more energy...test helps in burning fat,regeneration of the body,all masculining characteristics are a result of test...and the list goes on...I'll try and find one of the books I have on test and PM you!
    Great post thanks for the help, you answered all the pro's of test. In terms of the negatives knowing how/why the negatives occur would be great too if you can find anything on that. I look forward to your PM and thanks for taking the time to help me out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    do a search at this site:
    Oooh, looks like I am spending the rest of my day on this site good stuff dr. evil thanks, did you just become a vet or am I just wicked outdated? If so congrats on vet-hood

    Any particular scientists/companies that should not be really accepted (I know some docs/companies are known for their shitty studies and questionable handlings of the studies, that's what I am asking)
    Last edited by McBain; 03-21-2002 at 11:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    i think the vet thing is new. i never paid much attention to my status before though, so i'm not sure when it happened.

    most those studies should be pretty valid. they are all published in scientific journals. you can make up your own mind on how well each experiment was conducted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    Congradulation's DR Evil on your Vet status!...I'm sure it's well deserved.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles , CA
    i think it happens as the ammount of posts increase...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles , CA
    or posts per day....not quite sure...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    there are members with more posts than me who have different status. i think the admin has to make the change himself.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    You have to be nominated by another Vet!...then the mods vote whether they think you should or should not become a vet!
    So somebody out there likes you DR evil...onder:

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    im being watched

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