I freezer tested this vial of sus 300 and it got a bunch of little dots in it, maybe bubbles, can't really tell. It didn't turn cloudy. It seems to have maybe separated????? Some of it stuck to the top, some of it stuck to the bottom. WTF????
I freezer tested this vial of sus 300 and it got a bunch of little dots in it, maybe bubbles, can't really tell. It didn't turn cloudy. It seems to have maybe separated????? Some of it stuck to the top, some of it stuck to the bottom. WTF????
if there is anything i learned about chemicals it is this......it is IMPOSSIBLE to fit any more then 250 mg's of any drug into 1 ml of oil without jacking up the BA extrmely high....that could be why it is not working....that test i believe was meant more for amps of sust wasn't it??amps of real pharma sust have a really low BA count
How long did you leave it in the freezer bro?
12 + hours. My vial from his last batch was cloudy as sht after 12 hours.
Yeah it should have turned cloudy. I never have messed with his gear for this very reason. Just not consistent as far as results and sh*t like this goes. I would tell him that something is wrong with it and see if he will replace it or give your $ back. Maybe get some tabs or something. You get it from a remailer?
yea, I use a remailer. I think it's just flat out bunk. I started my cycle on an older batch straight from the man himself and then continued on these vials. I didn't test the vial I'm using right now until a week ago, but there was only a little product left in it and it didn't really do anything. I've noticed my gains plateauing, my energy levels dropping, and joint pain from winny setting in. I figured something was wrong with the gear. Now I'm left with the dilemma, IS there any test in this stuff or is it totally bunk? I'm thinking about just starting on clomid right now because it's been a few wks since I used the other vial. F**K I'M PISSED.
I don't know if your gear is bunk or not. But I know you won't be comfortable injecting something you don't know is any good or not.
Well, I've been shooting it for weeks now so I'm gonna finish the vial I'm on. As far as getting more gear from **, not gonna happen anytime soon, if ever. Anybody else have any opinion on this? I know his remailer isn't gonna send me more gear, so ya think I should just use the vial that didn't pass the freezer test or just stop my cycle now (at 6 1/2 wks)?
when it turns cloudly its crap?
No, it's supposed to turn cloudy if it's legit but I don't find it to be an accurate test...I've made great gains off of amps that would not cloud up...Originally posted by D00fy
when it turns cloudly its crap?
if this is china fucker...i would stay away....we are having problems on the other board with re-sellers/re-mailers screwing people...sending them fake juice....so if this is the case then yeah you might have got shafted...do you want me to find out from the other board members which re-seller it was??
That info would be really great bro. I shot you a pm.
working on it now bro.....damn people are slow with email sometimes....why can't they all sit in front of the pc all day like me??
JP1570, What did you find out bro? Are you holding legit gear?
I still don't know. Regardless, I'm switching suppliers. I understand you get what you pay for, but I don't see why one batch would pass the freezer test and one wouldn't. I know the stuff from the first vial was awesome because I gained 15lbs in around 4 wks. Since then, I've gained maybe 5. Something's not right.
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