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  1. #1
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    Problem w/ first cycle -- need advice

    Here's the story.

    1st shot of 1mL eq 200 and 1mL test enanth 250, right glute shot (first shot ever) - No big deal, very nervous, bleed a lot (probably moved it around too much). No swelling, very minimal pain the next day.

    2nd shot 4 days later - went much better. Little pain, etc. Left glute

    3th shot 4 days later - Bad. Back to the right glute. Next day the muscle around the shot was very sore. Small bruise-like mark around the site. Thought it might be mildly infected.
    Next day it still hurt badly.
    Third day the pain seemed to be going away, but in the evening I had flu-like symptoms. Sore muscles, mild fever, fatigue, sinus pressure? (Sinus pressure may have been pre-existing) This is when I began to worry it was infected and my body was fighting and losing.
    4th day flu was pretty much gone, less pain at the site. I was worrying less.

    4th shot - back to the left glute. Very bad. Next day, much soreness in the muscle around the site. Flu comes back strong.
    Next day the flu is still strong. Glute still hurts. Site is swollen slightly and hard. Not collored that I can tell, other than maybe slightly red on skin surface from rubbing.

    Ibuprofin helps the soreness in the glute and the soreness from the flu.

    5th shot is coming up Thursday. Would you shoot it? Or throw in the towel and re-evaluate?

    I'll be honest - I'm kinda scared, and will be at the doctor tomorrow if it gets looking bad.

  2. #2
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    where in the glute are you shooting ?. Have a look at this it might help Also if you are using vials then you must wipe it with alchahol swabs before drawing out the gear and of course swab the injection site as well.

  3. #3
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanw
    where in the glute are you shooting ?. Have a look at this it might help Also if you are using vials then you must wipe it with alchahol swabs before drawing out the gear and of course swap the injection site as well.
    To be honest, the 4th shot was a little too far low and to the outside. But the 3rd shot was ok, I think.

    I swabbed the vial top, and the site. I also swabbed my fingers and the test ampule.

  4. #4
    Tapout's Avatar
    Tapout is offline Senior Member
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    first bro take a zanax
    everyone of us has been there

    what you are describing is what almost all first timers go through---the mind is a strange animal and can play all kinds of games---worry and anxiety can cause most of those symptoms

    first--what gear are you using --some cause more pain than others--i cant use qv as it hurts me like hell--also sus has hurt me for a week before because its so thick
    second-- lots of vet grade stuff causes flu like symptoms which you learn to get used to and it does get less and less as you get used to it
    third--color --remember you just stuck a really big needle into your muscle and it will cause a little blood under the skin(bruise),and soreness--remember tetnas shots at doc office?--be shure you are pulling back on plunger during shot so not in a vein

    hope this helps bro you should be ok but if it dont get better you can always stop

  5. #5
    seanw's Avatar
    seanw is offline Banned
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    Well I dont know about the flu, but with regards the soreness, it happens to some and not to others. If I do sust it hurts like a bitch for three days, but if I do Test I feel a slight twinge the next day and not much else. You could always try doing it in the quads and see how that goes.

  6. #6
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    British Dragon eq
    Iranian test enanthate

    Also to be honest I forgot to aspirate the 4th shot, but the other 3 I did correctly.

    The flu is what is really concerning me. 5 days so far (although Sunday - the day of the 4th shot which was at night - I was feeling ok). That seems like a lot, I thought it usually passed in 2-3 days. Maybe my body is telling me something important?

  7. #7
    MER's Avatar
    MER is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by blown
    British Dragon eq
    Iranian test enanthate

    Also to be honest I forgot to aspirate the 4th shot, but the other 3 I did correctly.

    The flu is what is really concerning me. 5 days so far (although Sunday - the day of the 4th shot which was at night - I was feeling ok). That seems like a lot, I thought it usually passed in 2-3 days. Maybe my body is telling me something important?
    Is the injection site inflamed and warm to touch? I think the major soreness is prolly from you injecting too fast, lots of bros do this. If your injection site is looking bad I'd see a doc before it gets worse.

  8. #8
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MER
    Is the injection site inflamed and warm to touch? I think the major soreness is prolly from you injecting too fast, lots of bros do this. If your injection site is looking bad I'd see a doc before it gets worse.
    It is hard and swollen, slightly red on the skin's surface. Not warm to the touch that I can tell. It is hurting less today - I hope this is a good sign? But still swollen and slightly red.

    Edit: How hot is "warm to the touch"? I'm comparing the left side to right side, the hurt side is *maybe* warmer, but I can't tell for sure. Should it be obviously warmer?

    I'd say the pain today is half of what it was last night before I took ibuprofin, and 1/4 of what it was on Monday. I took no ibuprofin this morning, last time was 400mg last night at 10pm.

    I put some tea tree oil on it - my mom says it's a "natural anti-infection oil."
    Last edited by blown; 01-05-2005 at 01:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Hed is offline Senior Member
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    This may seem stupid, but are you using different needles each time? may help you with getting the right spot.

  10. #10
    Moosepellet's Avatar
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    Whatever you do don't stop taking your AAS until your finished. I made the mistake by taking some weeks off because I was sick and caused myself a slight case of gyno. You don't want that, no one wants that! Check out www. and you will be fine. Thinks guys for giving help to blown.

  11. #11
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, different pin each time.

    Those of you who got sick starting a cycle - How many days exactly? It's been 6 days so far, although I was better for one of those days until I took the 4th shot. And I can NOT work out like this - I'd pass out and/or puke. I'm doing ok on food intake, considering when I'm sick I usually don't eat much.
    Last edited by blown; 01-05-2005 at 04:11 PM.

  12. #12
    blown is offline Associate Member
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    Update: Flu is pretty much gone. Inject site is still swollen (not badly), feels hard when you push on it, slightly red. Hurts a little when I flex it hard, hurts a little when I push on it hard w/ my fingers. When I lie on my back in bed it feels like there's something underneath my glute, or the covers are bunched up under me.

    This does not sound like an abcess, does it?

    Still scared to do the 5th shot tonight.

  13. #13
    twiztidjuggalo74's Avatar
    twiztidjuggalo74 is offline Associate Member
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    do u think zoloft is enough to not be a worry wart when starting a cycle?

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