I am 6'2 275 pounds, around 16-19% b/f and am currently planning my third cycle(very excited) i will run a cycle of norandren 200 from brovel at 500mg/wk and test 200 from brovel at 600mg/wk, i will also jump start my cycle with d-bol(reforvit-b) for four weeks,i believe at 50 mg/day,that's two cc's a day,i dont know the exact concentration though,i believe 25mg per cc. well the point of this thread is i would like to eat mostly clean foods while bulking so that my bodyfat does not skyrocket. can someone give me a sample daily bulking diet for my size and tell me how many calories from protein and carbs i neeed,thanx a-lot for all of your help guys,and congrats on vet status dr. evil