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Thread: sample bulking diets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver

    sample bulking diets

    I am 6'2 275 pounds, around 16-19% b/f and am currently planning my third cycle(very excited) i will run a cycle of norandren 200 from brovel at 500mg/wk and test 200 from brovel at 600mg/wk, i will also jump start my cycle with d-bol(reforvit-b) for four weeks,i believe at 50 mg/day,that's two cc's a day,i dont know the exact concentration though,i believe 25mg per cc. well the point of this thread is i would like to eat mostly clean foods while bulking so that my bodyfat does not skyrocket. can someone give me a sample daily bulking diet for my size and tell me how many calories from protein and carbs i neeed,thanx a-lot for all of your help guys,and congrats on vet status dr. evil

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    come on guys,someone,there are no good threads on the nutrition forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Los Angeles , CA
    breakfast = oatmeal, piece of wheat toast, 40-50 grams in a protien milk shake, glass of milk (could be added to milk shake), piece of fruit or some fruit

    mid lunch = chicken ,tuna, or turkey sandwich, piece of fruit and protien bar

    late afternoon lunch = brown rice with chicken breat or some kind of chicken, and protien shake

    dinner = your choice....just make sure it has a descent ammount of clean carbs and good protien (40 grams min)

    gym time....this is my gym time...after dinner....i eat a banana with dinner or 1/2 hour before gym time...

    after gym meal.... 40-50 grams of protien shake...milk optional...i don't drink milk before bed otherwise my farts could kill flowers in the morning....2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter on them or just plain and eat low fat cottage cheese....i also eat a piece of fruit this meal too....

    hope this helps....maybe you should take some t-3 on this cycle...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Los Angeles , CA
    ohhh yeah and i forgot...take you orals with each dbol...if your using reforvit then 1/2 cc cc each meal...inject it in a gel cap with an insulin needle....meal are spead apart every 3-31/2 hours....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    punk thanx alot for that bro,do you think that i will ingest enough calories if i worked something like that,i have been putting number on paper for a while now and have came up with a few sample diets,ill post one in a few minutes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    sample diet

    7:30- 8 egg white wit two whole eggs, 20g of whey protein, bowl of oatmeal and one slice wheat toast

    10:30-two lean cuisine chicken alfredo pasta's,these are great,this meal is 790 calories,14 grams of fat only 6 grams of saturated fat 52 grams of protein and 94 grams of carbs

    1:30-two of mcdonalds grilled chicken sandwiches and ditch two slices of the bread and make it one huge sandwich,this give me 680 calories with 10 grams of fat and 50 grams protein with 50 carbs

    4:30-postworkout equals two whole eggs with a bannana,this meal is simply to restore glycogen levels,

    5:30-exactly an hour after working out-two large chicken breast with pasta roni, this is 65 grams protein and 80 grams of carbs,also eat a bannana,comes out to 670 calories

    8:30- 60 grams of protein blend with two tablespoons of peanut butter,this is 500 calories and about 80 grams total protein with 26 grams of carbs

    11:30- 40 grams of protein with two slices of wheat bread,the protein is a protein blend taht willl break up over a six hour period,i go to bed at 12 and wake up at 7:30 to start eating again,

    i also supplement this with glutamine. l-ribose after i work out, amino acids,multi-vitamin, and some coenzyme q-10 to protect my liver, also i drink about 400 calories of milk a day,this add's a good bit too carbs,protein,and calories, ne critiques are very well appreciated, please respond and tell me what you all think and nething that i could change

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    someone atleast say-either good job or try again or something,i feel denied,no one wants to help me,i think ima miss my work out b/c of this today,where's that snickers that i hid,lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    meal 1
    16 egg whites
    1.5 cups oats

    meal 2
    10oz turkey(extra lean breast meat)
    8oz. sweet potato

    meal 3(post workout)
    protein shake(66g whey w/water)
    high GI carb drink (110g carbs)

    meal 4(1hour later)
    meal replacement shake

    meal 5
    10oz. turkey
    8oz sweet potato

    meal 6
    12oz. tuna(in water)
    2 cups brown rice
    1tbsn flax seed oil

    meal 7
    12oz. tuna
    2 cups brown rice
    1tbsn flax seed oil

    meal 8 (right before bed)
    1.5 pounds fat free cottage cheese

    Calories: 5250
    Protein: 502g
    Carbs: 599g
    Fat: 64g

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    thanx alot bro so is that a sample daily diet that you have used,was it hard to put down all of that food?well i am starting to go on a strict bulking diet this coming up monday and would really appreciate it if you could pm me with some more help (the man),if you could do that then you really would be (the man)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    another thing is could i add milk to that diet regimen,maybe trade out something,or just add straight to it,b/c i love milk,i also like peanut butter,in fact i like milk and peanut butter together,lol

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by st82hellnbak
    thanx alot bro so is that a sample daily diet that you have used,was it hard to put down all of that food?well i am starting to go on a strict bulking diet this coming up monday and would really appreciate it if you could pm me with some more help (the man),if you could do that then you really would be (the man)
    st8, yeh this is my currnet diet. I eat it everyday and never cheat or deviate from it. I had some ice cream like two or three months ago, but that'll hold me over for a few more months It's all about discipline...which most peple don't have. Bulking doesn't mean adding bodyfat. It means eating just as strict and clean as if you were dieting, just in larger quanities. For me it's not hard to put all this down. My appeteite is always on so I'm always hungry. One thing that helps with doing this is to have a cooking day. Mine is Sundays. I'll go to the store and buy everythign I need for the week. Then I'll cook all that needs to be cooked for the week on Sunday and then portion it out into serving sizes. I do measure everything. That way everything is ready to go and when it's time to eat all I have to do is reach into the fridge and grab my meal. Measuring the portion sizes is very important in my opinion. This way you KNOW what you're getting nutrient and calorie wise. This way you get what you need to grow, but don't go overboard and start putting on fat. I got your PM by the way. I'm 6' 252 9-10% depending on the time and day. I havn't dieted since I did a show two years ago. I havn't really needed to diet because I eat right all the time. This has enabled me to stay lean and continue to grow. I won't kill myself dieting down to 5-6% just because it's summer. The only time I actually cut is for a show. Right now I'm making a run at 275 while maintaining my bf% so I may be upping the calories in the near future...Clean calories of course If you have any questions or need any advice feel free to email me as there's a word limit on PM's and I just can't cover all that needs to be covered in a limited amount of words.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
    This is my past bulk diet while on 500mg. cyp and 400mg. eq. per week. I am 5`6 and weighing in @ 210 at about 11-13% at the time, this worked real well. Also took multi vit with each solid meal. And creatine and glutamine before and after each workout. I was on a one day on and one day off work out schedule. And I was averaging 8-10 hrs. sleep per day. Hope this helps.

    Meal 1
    6whole eggs, 6 whites
    2 cups oats
    1 banana

    Meal 2
    1 Myoplex mass
    1/2 cup MRP

    Meal 3
    1lb. Chicken
    2 cups rice

    Meal 4
    1 myoplex mass
    1/2 cup MRP

    Meal 5
    14 oz. steak
    2 baked potatos

    Meal 6
    1 myoplex mass
    1/2 cup MRP

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