What's up bros!!!! I am looking for some feedback. I am a basketball player. I am 6'2" 190lbs. I have got there with some help from PaPaPumP (thanks again bro) Now that I have got to the weight that is good for me, I am looking to blow away the comp. I am looking to run a cycle to promote strength and explosiveness more then bulk and mass. I have my training program in order, now I need that chemical edge to push me over the top. Here is what has been suggested.
Weeks 1-2 EQ 600mg/wk (front load)
Weeks 3-10 EQ 300mg/wk
Weeks 1-4 Fina 75mg/ed
Weeks 8-12 Fina 75mg/ed
Weeks 1-4
Anavar 30mg/ed
Weeks 6-12 Winny 50mg/ed
Weeks 1-12
Proviron 25mg/ed
It looks complicated to me, but I have been told that it will make me explosive as hell with my training program. However I have always been one to ask questions even when the answer is clear. Thanks for your opinions bros. PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Tren Cycle (blast)