Is it just me or did ARR take liquid nolva off of their site? I can't seem to find it on there.
Is it just me or did ARR take liquid nolva off of their site? I can't seem to find it on there.
must be out of stock for now
I wouldnt buy it anyway
I just got some in, and it looks like shiit, it looks like the ingredients didnt didnt dissolve all the way, and all the shaking in the world won't help.... I've heard of other people having this problem as well. Best to steer clear of their Nolva. imo
dont bite the hand that feeds you Mr. Swoledave
ive heard nuthin but good things about it bro.Originally Posted by SwoleDave
mr. peump if somebodys feeding you crap you shouldn't just bite their hand should tear it off.
But ive heard great things about ar-r i plan to try them. But i admit i have heard complaints about the nolva looking bad and also i think they should change the pump spray to the eyedropper imho.
their products have never given me any problems (tamox, clomid, letro), all of their products need to be shaken before use since they settle. And the only pump spray anymore is the letro
Originally Posted by Juice Lee
i think that the quality level should be based on the tamoxifen citrate content per ml rather than the appearence or consitency of the liquid.
peump i agree with you. i stand corrected...whats important is the content not the appearence.
that was a close one somebody could have gotten their hand torn
i like it so for......
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