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Thread: G.h.b.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Question G.H.B. PLEASE HELP!!!!

    I was just wondering how long GHB stays in your system and whether they test for it in Drug tests cause I just got tested positive for weed and I have to be retested sometime so I need to know about GHB. Also does GHB enhance weight lifting?
    Thanks for the help!!!!

    Last edited by Rugby13; 03-21-2002 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have been to the hospital od' on the shit and they still didnt know what the fuck was wrong with me after all the tests. Im pretty sure it doesnt show up on a piss test and I think you got to be on it for it to s how up on a blood test.. I thik youll be cool

  3. #3
    i think it just turns to water in a few hours i took it and loved it and i "THINK" it helped my training...sure didnt hurt

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The 'G' will sure give you one hell of a drive in the gym.. but most of all it induces sleep... relatively. deep sleep.. I personally like to take a small cap-nap sometime throughout the day

  5. #5
    good shit, whenever, wherever =o) i took it a few times before i lifted, and even before cardio and it seemed to help a little with recovering between sets... its an experience to say the least, but be smart because you can definetly OD on it, and get comatose or even killed. i dont think it shows up on tests at all, your body atcually creates GHB, and it is inside the hemoglobin of every cell in you. taking 1,4BDO or GBL turns to GHB in your body, therefor the chemical itself is gone... i think the only way it would show up is comparible to the ways in which you would get tested for plasma hormone(testosterone) levels, nothing to worry about i strongly believe, peace.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Thanks for all the help. I have taken it once before and OD'd which was not a pleasant experience. I had 16 grams of the shit in one night. I think I was lucky that I had been smoking and doing a lot of other shit so that kinda built up my resistence, otherwise I could've been in trouble. It's good to hear about it not showing up on the tests.

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