Just curious. Will it hinder natural test returning? Oh, and what about prices?
Just curious. Will it hinder natural test returning? Oh, and what about prices?
Bump. No takers? Please?
I know it isn't that popular a drug but let's get it on peeps.
bump..i cant find hardly any extensive info on this stuff
there is something about it on the elite board nathan...do a search bro...i think ironfist posted it
What is Pgf2? is that a hormonal steroid?
please try it! what can i say, i'm a sadist.
it will not hinder your natural test production or recovery and would be an excellent bridge. i've used it before and swear to never again lol. it was the most uncomfortable 4 weeks of my life. 6-10 shots ED, excruciating pain, violent diarrhea... i'd love to hear stories from others who have tried it lol.
Really? Well, god damn. What kind of gains did you see and did you keep them? Thanks for responses and more please.Originally posted by Dr.Evil
please try it! what can i say, i'm a sadist.
it will not hinder your natural test production or recovery and would be an excellent bridge. i've used it before and swear to never again lol. it was the most uncomfortable 4 weeks of my life. 6-10 shots ED, excruciating pain, violent diarrhea... i'd love to hear stories from others who have tried it lol.
how good is this stuff for local fat loss?
and are the side effects worth it?
well, i've been afraid of needles ever since that cycle ended. my following AS cycle had to be an all oral one, the first i've ever done without injecting.
i had great gains in size. i added about 1.5" to my chest and about .5" to my quads and about .3" to my biceps. all were kept, something that has never happened on any AS cycle for me before. the downside is that it was muscle without strength. i actually got weaker in all my lifts.
local fat loss may just be a myth. the fat loss seemed to be pretty systemic. i never injected into my abs either IM of subQ, but noticed dramatic reduction in fat.
but because of the pain and discomfort i'd have to say it's not worth it. if i were really hard core then i'd do another cycle, but i'm not competing for anything and just see no reason to do it. the only reason i tried it the first time was out of morbid curiosity and for some reason i just couldn't stop. once it was finished i realized just how stupid i was for doing that for 4 weeks.
btw, never ever start with more than .5ml. i made the mistake of injecting a whole 1ml into my delts the first time ever and almost passed out from the pain. also, never do it at a place where you won't have immediate access to the toilet. it WILL eliminate everything that's in your bowels.
lastly, because if its strong contractile abilities, it WILL contract your heart and kill you if you get it into your veins. it has strong transdermal properties too and even if you inject it close to a vein you will likely suffer strong heart contractions, feel faint, and close to death.
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