Just kidding.... thought that might be a good ice breaker to meet y'all. "A good sense of humor is funny". First off i would like to thank y'all for this board and the advice in all the postings. I have learn more here than anyhwhere. I'll TRY not to ask any stupid question, but if it happens just slap me couple times.....lol. I'll learn. A little background: i have done two cycles, first was test susp (what major pain in the ass..lol)then dbol about 8 months later. never used an anit-estrogen and didnt cycle down (didnt have the info at the time). this was about four years ago. saw great gains with both but lost majority of my gains shortly afterwards....discouraged i stopped lifting all together. started back in the gym about 2 weeks ago and planning on doing a cycle (a little smart now) in about 6-8 weeks. this is the cylce i thinking about...what do y'all think:
dbol....weeks 1-6......15-20mg/d
deca*........weeks 1-13.....200-350mg/w
test**.......weeks 7-12
hcg....weeks 6-7and 14-16.....5000 iu/w (not sure if i need this or not)
clomid....weeks 17-18.....50-100mg/d
nolvadex or arimidex as needed
*or another nandrolone....dbol/deca seems to be the most used but maybe a different nandrolone stacks better with testosterone
**not sure what test to use...only used suspension and the s#@t
im 28yrs old.....5'11''....142lbs....>8%bf maybe >5% (just a guess)
goal: gain 30 to 40lbs of lbm and keep at least 80% of my growth and strength before next cycle (most likely 3-4 months after this cycle). thanks for all your help.