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Thread: cycle question?????

  1. #1

    cycle question?????

    I'm 5'10 210lbs 8% BF. majority of previous cycles included deca & test, last one also included HGH. wanting to get away from deca for a while, source doesn't offer eq. so here is what i came up with.

    test prop 100mg/eod
    winni 50mg/eod
    anavar 25mg/ed

    i know i want gain alot of mass with this cycle, but i should make quaility gains. any input about cycle is welcome. info of previous cycles available upon request

  2. #2
    I can't believe nobody out there has any input. good or bad

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Let's see your previous cycles and how your gains were on them...

    I'd also like to know for how many weeks you're planning to run the different compounds. If you've set your mind to theese particular compounds then I'd suggest you run both prop and winny ED instead of EOD.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The dog pound...
    758 how long do you plan to run each drug?

  5. #5
    plan on running proposed stack 8 wks

    last two cycles

    800 mg/wk deca
    400 mg/wk test cyp.
    10 wk cycle
    600 mg/wk deca wks 1-10
    400 mg/wk test en. wks 1-4
    600 mg/wk test en. wks 5-8
    900 mg/wk test en. wks 9-11
    hgh 2ius ed
    great strength and weight gain (15lbs lean muscle) with first cycle
    didn't get near what i was expecting out of 2nd cycle
    both cycles did include pct just in case any one was wondering(hcg and clomid)
    as far as sticking with the proposed gear my source has limited options.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Why Did you run Deca Higher than Test, I thought it was the other way around?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Your way of laying up your cycles don't impress me that much I'm afraid.
    I'd run the prop ED instead of EOD as you planned. More gains, less sides is the simple answer to why. Also winny is best taken ED.

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