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Thread: Gyno

  1. #1


    Hey i finished up a Var only cycle about 3 weeks ago, so i've been finished my PCT and everything for 3 weeks now, i realize if anavar is legit its pretty much impossible to get gyno from it at all. The anavar i had was in a liquid mixed at 10mg/ml, i was taking 80mg/day. The last couple days though my nips have been sore when i applie pressure. Its not really a sharp pain but its sensitive none the less. Not experiencing any burning or discharge from them, and no itching. Is this just paranoia? Should i get some Nolva to be safe, and if so i live in canada is their any reliable places online i could get some quick and relatively cheap? I realize after your cycle and PCT is complete your body is trying to neutralize test levels, but its been 3 weeks since i took my last clomid tab and like i said it just started 2 days ago, is this common for gyno syptoms to be occuring 3 weeks after your cycle? Let me know your oppinions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You're just being paranoid bro. I've never heard of Var causing gyno.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    You sure about the quality of the product you used? I have heard of people passing off low dosed dbol as anavar. That could cause gyno. But over all I wouldn't be that worried chances are you are just overreacting.

  4. #4
    thanks for the reply's, your right, probably just paranoid, pretty sure my source is legit and wouldn't **** me over but u never know these days, i notice that already the soreness is starting to fade

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by motoxer23
    thanks for the reply's, your right, probably just paranoid, pretty sure my source is legit and wouldn't **** me over but u never know these days, i notice that already the soreness is starting to fade
    Hey bro, if you're still unsure, I'd take some Nolva just to see if the itching or sensitivity goes away. Rather be sure than be sorry. just my $0.02.

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