Hey i finished up a Var only cycle about 3 weeks ago, so i've been finished my PCT and everything for 3 weeks now, i realize if anavar is legit its pretty much impossible to get gyno from it at all. The anavar i had was in a liquid mixed at 10mg/ml, i was taking 80mg/day. The last couple days though my nips have been sore when i applie pressure. Its not really a sharp pain but its sensitive none the less. Not experiencing any burning or discharge from them, and no itching. Is this just paranoia? Should i get some Nolva to be safe, and if so i live in canada is their any reliable places online i could get some quick and relatively cheap? I realize after your cycle and PCT is complete your body is trying to neutralize test levels, but its been 3 weeks since i took my last clomid tab and like i said it just started 2 days ago, is this common for gyno syptoms to be occuring 3 weeks after your cycle? Let me know your oppinions