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Thread: T3, thyroid alive?? or fake sh*t???

  1. #1

    T3, thyroid alive?? or fake sh*t???

    I started a week ago and I'm having a few problems....I got my resting temp a few weeks ago and as I said, it was 97.8 for four days straight....but then I took it for 3 days before I started and it was 96.8 all three days....So I started last monday at 50mcg, my temps the following days was 97.8 every day....So I bumped up the dose to 80mcg saturday and on sunday morning it was still 97.8, so i bumped the dose to 100mcg yesterday and it was still 97.8 today....So today I bumped the dose to 125mcg.....I got the stuff from a reputable research company, but I'm starting to think its bunk....Got any ideas?

  2. #2
    Are you taking any thyroid supplements with your cycle? T-100x and coleus?

  3. #3
    yes, I'm taking coleus right now, and have the t-100x also.

  4. #4
    I'm taking pretty much every supp Mallet recommended.

  5. #5
    I say give it some time your first significant dose was really the 100mcg you took yesterday. I plan on doing a liquid clen/t3 cycle in the next couple weeks on a 7/5 split myself.

    Where did you get the coleus and T-100x, I need to get me some

  6. #6
    I got the T-100x from and the Coleus from

  7. #7 noone has any ideas?

  8. #8
    just bumping in case the one person that has had any experience like this might read it.....

  9. #9
    Well, your temp is sapposed to stay within 0.5 degrees either way from day to day. And yeah, 125mcg is not much if you are following Mallet's suggestions. You are sapposd to take 1mcg for every pound of body weight rounded to the nearest whole.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Where are you guys getting your T-100X? I can't find any. I have been looking for a week now. No one, I know anyway, carries it.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilster
    Where are you guys getting your T-100X? I can't find any. I have been looking for a week now. No one, I know anyway, carries it.
    T-100x is made by AOR. I have seen other similar products, but none with the same amounts. Follow the AOR link in this thread. You will have to order it over the net.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by bmwrob
    T-100x is made by AOR. I have seen other similar products, but none with the same amounts. Follow the AOR link in this thread. You will have to order it over the net.
    yep, AOR was the only place I found it...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    I canonly find TG-100 and T-100 at AOR. Which one is it cause neither has that X

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilster
    I canonly find TG-100 and T-100 at AOR. Which one is it cause neither has that X
    It's the T-100. The T-100x was the older version.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Thanks bro. I was reading the descriptions and when I came back you did my work for me.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    I am having a similar problem. I am on day 3 of t3/clen, first day I had the shakes, yeterday and today nothing. Slowly upping the doses
    Taking m4ohn 8mg/vitaminK/Taurine/Luver supp/ ED also.

    Is there a certian way or a best way to injest the liquid t3/clen?
    Last edited by phwSSJ; 01-13-2005 at 03:12 AM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ
    I am having a similar problem. I am on day 3 of t3/clen, first day I had the shakes, yeterday and today nothing. Slowly upping the doses
    Taking m4ohn 8mg/vitaminK/Taurine/Luver supp/ ED also.

    Is there a certian way or a best way to injest the liquid t3/clen?
    I take my clen first thing in the morning, and half my dose of t3 first thing, then the other half later in the day.....I don't really know the half-life of t3, but I figure since I was having problems, splitting it up couldn't hurt....

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