Is there any steroid that will actually help with lowering of bloodpressure? I know the less water retention the lower you bloodpressure will be.
Is there any steroid that will actually help with lowering of bloodpressure? I know the less water retention the lower you bloodpressure will be.
i am not 100% sure of this, but i dont think there is.
i have (had) high blood pressure which i was taking meds for (hyzaar)..since i've been on gh i got off the hyzaar and my BP is pretty much normal most of the for me GH has lower my BP
like bigkev said....i dont think there is an aas that will lower your bp like a beta-blocker/ca blocker or diuretic.....
i do think that some types of aas help with bp because they facilitate things that do reduce bp.......
people tend to work out harder while on cycle and develope more lean muscle......and eventually decrease their body fat....
they also tend to follow a more strict diet while on cycle....
no anabolic steroids will. coticosteroids may to a small extent, but those are catabolic and i don't think you're interested in those.
i dont know about steroids, but there is a drug called Catapress (Clonidine HCL) which lowers bloodpressure... i get it prescribed to me from my doctor for my adhd, dont know how you could get it though...peace's easily to get a hold of intl...that's a good drug for high blood pressure...
Hey popeye, i hear that my LD/ADHD brother.
odd drug to prescribe for attention deficit hyperness disorder....would think some kind of meth product would work better....something like dexadrine
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