Ok wondering opinions on this cycle, I've talked to lots of people and from their opinions and from what I've read seems like only thing I can expect is maybe a little acne. The one thing I am worried about is cholesterol though, I'm unsure how this is going to be through the cycle and would like to know if it will be a potential problem so I can possibly control it. If it might be high any suggestions on how to control it? Anyways here's the cycle:
Finastride 1mg ed week 1, 1mg eod week 2-11
Anavar 30mg ed week 2-10
Test prop (viromone) 100mg eod week 2-10
Armidex .25mg ed week 2-11, .25mg eod 12-13
Clomid 300mg 2 days after last injection, 100mg next 9 days, 50mg 10 next 10 days.
ALA 900mg ed week 1-10 (haven't decided fully on dosage of ALA but I am thinking 900mg ed)
I really want to stay safe. Any feedback would be great. Oh also I might throw in some saw palmetto, still undecided on this, opinions? I am especially looking for help on the cholestrol thing. I am going to be getting checked out by a doc but I want to catch it before any problems start, prevention before any problems start is key in my mind.
I also will of course have nolv on hand as well.