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Thread: Will I need arimidex with this cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    san diego

    Will I need arimidex with this cycle?

    Here is my cycle:

    WK 1-6: d-bol 30mg/ed
    WK 1-10: eq 400mg/wk
    WK 7-12: winny 50mg/eod

    I will get some milk thistle in there as well as clomid post cycle. My question is, will i need to run arimidex or any other anti-e's while i run the dbol?

    thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Not likely!...I noticed you didn't include any test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    san diego
    I'm basically getting the d-bol for a real good deal. My source has T400 on him and I was thinking about substituting that for the d-bol, but its kinda pricey $150 for a 10ml bottle, so i'm still debating on whether or not its worth it.

    If i go with the T4, i would probably do it like this
    WK 1-6: T4 400mg/wk
    WK 1-10: eq 400mg/wk
    WK 7-12: win 50mg/eod
    Would I need the arimidex with this?
    Last edited by LetsRideTLR; 03-22-2002 at 01:31 AM.

  4. #4
    run the t-400 10 weeks not 6.....
    divide the dose into 2 shots per week and mix the t400 and eq in the same syringe....
    im thinking from this combination you are wanting to cut some for summer, though the dbol on the first cycle mentioned didnt fit your needs in that manner....
    if you want to keep water retention to a minimum....then yes to 0.25mg of arimidex per day....if holding a little water doesnt matter, you will be fine without it at these doses.......
    i personally take arimidex with every cycle........

    had to edit myself....typed in 0.5 of arimidex instead of 0.25.....oops......been away to long, after a week i start to forget how to type......
    but i still remember how to put alot of .............. in my posts...LOL
    Last edited by viper; 03-22-2002 at 02:43 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    san diego
    the reason why i wanted to run the T4 for only 6 is because of the sides. ive never used T4 before, but i tend to break out pretty bad while on test, not to mention the unwanted body hair. thats the main reason why i was questioning whether it would be worth it for me. You are correct in assuming that i do want to cut up for summer... i was thinking arimidex with the dbol would solve the problem of water retention if i were to go the dbol route. another factor is the dbol for the 6 weeks would basically be free. while the arimidex and T4 are $150 each from my source. im still trying to weigh out the costs/sideffects.

    thanks for your input bros.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    why not have arimidex just in case? you're right, it will get rid of all the water retention too. it's a wonderful drug and should be included in every cycle IMO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    san diego
    i will definately go with the arimidex either way i go. the reason why im only going 6 weeks with the dbol or t4 is because i wanted to cut up a little before the cycle ends. but im still undecided on whether to go with the dbol or the T400? can anyone give me their input here?

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