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Thread: hairloss prevention from anavar/d-bol cycle

  1. #1

    hairloss prevention from anavar/d-bol cycle

    In a couple of months I'm about to start a d-bol and anavar cycle. I know hairloss is in a person's genetic, but I'd like to prevent it or atleast slow it down. What products can I use to slow it down while using d-bol and anavar? Proscar, Nizoral, saw palmetto, minoxidil, spirolactane, etc?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    anavar and dbol are both 17aa, and should not be done in the same cycle. not if you think you are going to need your liver in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    save money, just go with the saw palmetto, and maybe the anti-dht shampoo. I don't THINK proscar helps very much with anything besides test. see what others say.

    also this stuff supposed to work very well.
    Beta Sitosterol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Originally posted by Iron horse
    save money, just go with the saw palmetto, and maybe the anti-dht shampoo. I don't THINK proscar helps very much with anything besides test. see what others say.

    also this stuff supposed to work very well.
    Beta Sitosterol
    .....also there are clinical studies that show that Beta Sitosterol STOPPED hair loss( definately in my case) and regrew hair in most people!!
    I'll dig it up and print it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    proscar if you have noticed any hair loss already. It is a catch 22. Once it's gone you can't usually get it back. proscar works great for me as far as keeping what I have unfortunantley it wasn't out yet when I fist started seeing some hair loss. It has stopped my hair loss and kept what I have.

    check this out, newly approved by the FDA (11/01) is dutasteride. It is being prepared for release and should be out by June.

    looks to be much better than proscar, check out the picture.
    Last edited by scottp999; 03-22-2002 at 10:34 AM.

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