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  1. #1
    aehowlan is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    5 me ignoramus, but...

    I've recently acquired 100 dose box of Finaplix -H. That's box of 10x10 cartridges, 20mg per pellet, that should be 20,000mg of Tren , or 20 Grams, Correct. Now with that said, my research here tell me about "Carts" so I have to assume that that is short for cartridges. With that much Tren I have to assume that I'm converting 20g so I need to purchase either enough supplies to homebrew it or buy 2 10g conversion kits.

    Here's the confusion though, after brewing is all done, and since i'm old school and think in terms of cc's, how many cc's of final product should I consider using on a daily basis. I'm figuring (or more hoping) that yield will be between 70-80%.

    Thanks again for assistance.

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Depends how many mg/ml you want your final solution to be.


  3. #3
    GetSwole112's Avatar
    GetSwole112 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    dont worry about Yield or Error... 2g = 40cc@50mg/cc... And the Kits are crap.. i would rather make my own Kit.. I bought a 2g kit.. and i was thinking it would be enough oil and BA to make it as 50mg/cc but it was only like 25cc final for 2g thats like 80mg/cc or something and i was shooting that for my first cycle.. i got really big.. but i like it around 50mg ED (everyday) but if you're worried about Yield.. i would say go with 175cc of soultion per 10g coversion.. so thats 157.5cc of Oil, 10cc of BA, and 7.5cc of powder (1g = 0.75cc).. that should put you no less than 50mg/cc or no more than 60mg/cc.. and thats good 1cc everyday... thats a lot of tren between both 10g conversions that 350days... so i suggest making it as you go.. maybe do only one 10g conversion and then the other one later

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