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Thread: Prone to acne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Prone to acne

    Exactly when do you guys get acne during or after a cycle?
    Four weeks into cycle, one week after cycle etc?
    Do they pop out very fast in large numbers or do they develop slowly?

    ****, I want to do a test cycle but I have acne in my face. My problem comes and goes.. One week I can be free of acne, the next couple of weeks I can have 10.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    During a cycle my problems with acne almost subsides. During PCT on the other back and shoulders are a mess...When off AAS completly for a couple of months I don't experiance any problems with acne. A zit from time to time just like anyone else I guess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    U.K wales
    on this cycle its the first time i've experianced more spots than usual i wouldnt say it was acne though. i just make sure i wash more often and maybe use a antibacterial body wash. seems to help abit but wont stop all the spots. mine are more blackheads than big ugly white ones. i've never suffered with acne though so if your prone to it the likly hood is that it will be worse on your back and shoulders.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    Exactly when do you guys get acne during or after a cycle?
    Four weeks into cycle, one week after cycle etc?
    Do they pop out very fast in large numbers or do they develop slowly?

    ****, I want to do a test cycle but I have acne in my face. My problem comes and goes.. One week I can be free of acne, the next couple of weeks I can have 10.
    Steroid induced acne is not characteristically on the face at all. Its mostly on the shoulders, back, arms, neck, etc. You also notice a very substantial increase in oilyness of the skin in this area. You get so oily that normal soap does not seem to wash the oil out of your skin, but an anti-oil/greese type soap even the type like dawn for dishes can work very well to cut this oil down enough to get the acne under control.

    Generally without the dawn dishwashnig liquid, I look like I have small pox or chicken pox all over my back, shoulders and arms. I use dawn dishwashing liquid in place of bar soap and away goes ALL the acne. I think one contribution is that dawn actually has large amount of benzoil peroxide in the soap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    post cycle usually

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Bump....use The Dawn Dish Soap ....everybodies Dispostion With Ance Is Different I Myself Get Them On The Side Of My Back...sometimes Shoulders....but I Use The Dawn It Usually Clear It Up...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    this is the first time i got acne too on the cycle. i usually get small numbers of very tiny ones during the cycle on my back but now i got them on the face really big ugly red things. went to see the doctor and he said the same thing to me as ntpadude mentioned earlier that acne on the face are not steroid related.He gave me an antibiotic and a good face wash. works for me acne cleared out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    So are you guys telling me that I hardly will get more acne in my face with steroid use?

    I even get some acne on my back/chest which probably will get worse then. Not much right now but some. If that's the only place I would get acne then I don't care. Not that it's fun but the skin on my back is allready ****ed up big time.

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