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Thread: Winstrol,EQ,HCG LOOking for some opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Winstrol,EQ,HCG LOOking for some opinions

    Hello guys I'm planing tp start a cycle of winstrol and EQ and some HCG also , Is my first time with winstrol i've been using juice for a long time just finishing deca and test , i'm trying to loose some fat (not really want to totally cut just some fat) and get some hardness ( like when i was using trenbolone defenetely one of the best s**t out there)
    i was thinking on using, or the best option?
    1 option
    100mg of winstrol EOD
    EQ 400mg a week
    HCG 25iu twice a week
    2 option
    50mg of winstrol ED
    EQ 400 mg a week
    HCG 25iu twice a week

    I may going to use some CYP TEST if i need it

    I'm just trying to avoid the ED shot of the winstrol
    whats the best ED or EOD? (i know most people gonna say ED )

    and also do i need some test for this cycle? is the HCG enought for my natural test to keep it going?
    I'm 5'11,weight 234
    BTW great site

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    u r talking about tren being the **** and u dont want to use it? forget eq and winstrol, get some prop and some var.

    but anyways, hardness depends mainly on your diet, not on the steroid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    wut r ur stats? cycle exp? u always need test as a base to any cycle, winny needs to b done at 50mg/ed and no need for hcg in a cycle like this.

    the best way to harden up and lose some fat is diet and cardio! check out the diet forum bro and do cardio 3x/week for 45 min on an empty stomach at 65% of ur max heart rate. maybe add in an eca stack.

    if u'v been doin juice for a long time u should really know all this stuff! i say u read read and read on here and get to know ur stuff b4 u do any more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ajfina
    Hello guys I'm planing tp start a cycle of winstrol and EQ and some HCG also , Is my first time with winstrol i've been using juice for a long time just finishing deca and test , i'm trying to loose some fat (not really want to totally cut just some fat) and get some hardness ( like when i was using trenbolone defenetely one of the best s**t out there)
    i was thinking on using, or the best option?
    1 option
    100mg of winstrol EOD
    EQ 400mg a week
    HCG 25iu twice a week
    2 option
    50mg of winstrol ED
    EQ 400 mg a week
    HCG 25iu twice a week

    I may going to use some CYP TEST if i need it

    I'm just trying to avoid the ED shot of the winstrol
    whats the best ED or EOD? (i know most people gonna say ED )

    and also do i need some test for this cycle? is the HCG enought for my natural test to keep it going?
    I'm 5'11,weight 234
    BTW great site
    hey bro....get the cyp
    if youa re set on win, run it 50mg/ed
    25iu of hcg is not enough to do anything, and is probabaly not needed here anyway

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    If you're going to use Tren or Winny both should be taken ED to keep your levels constant.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Without test - No cycle!
    Come back once you've made the change

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    HCG wont really be needed IMO. But HCG should only be used in the area of 500-700ius E3D or 2 times a week for good results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    you need some form of testostorone in win/eq course i started off in june with 400 mgs of EQ and 1 ml 3 times a week of winny. got great results, put on some good strength and quality size and EQ always increases my apetite makes me eat like a horse the only problem is it killed my sex drive completely too much androgens can do that so i started jabbing sus every second week just to keep my test levels up but cypionate is a good idea too as for HCG i havent used it at all but im still on juice now and my nuts are the size of peanuts. iextended the course just to use hcg during the cycle 500 ius a week before my PCT dont know if it will work but most people on the board seem to say that so im giving it a try. oh btw got lots of experience with trenbolan in this course its great but it converts to thats when my nuts started to shrink very quickly and my hair thin out mad

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