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Thread: Armidex

  1. #1
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    As I have said before I had slight gyno when I was 14,15 I am now 21 I was thinking of taking a cycle of DECA just to keep the chance of gyno to a minimum but after hearing everyone talk about test and how great it is I am thinking of taking sust. I guess this would mean that I would have to take some armidex, i dont want to scrimp when it comes to gyno. My question is can you take just a straight sust cycle and how much will a supply of armidex cost to run with this.

  2. #2
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2001
    also I forgot to add do you guys think proviron alone is good enough? or is Armidex the best

  3. #3
    CYCLEON Guest
    arimdex is king - tests show estrogen levels ot be almost undetectable in men. .5mg ED is an effective dose IMO, unless u are super prone to gyno and/or are doing 1+ gram of test/eq/dbol etc. The more u take the happier you will be tho so even with 500mg of sust 1mg ED will cut water that u have now even while on your cycle!!!

  4. #4
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Arimidex will treat you right. I'd go for Liquidex though for many reasons, better absorption, cheaper for what you get (you get almost 3 times as much anastrozole for the same price). Also, I wouldn't personally go with sust. I'd hit up some enanthate or cypionate for many reasons. Cheaper, less time to feel full effects, injections hurt less, no chance of 'sust flu', takes less time to get out of your system (possibly more efficient use of off time between cycles),etc. Just my opinion though.

  5. #5
    Skrilla is offline New Member
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    As others have said go with the test. You can still get gyno from deca because of it's progestagenic effects (also tren and A-50). you can't do anything to get rid of unless you have access to ru486 (abortion pill). At least with gear that aromatizes you have the option of using arimidex and nolvadex . Some will say that winny will block the progesterone receptors but I wouldnt trust that as my gyno got much worse on a Deca, winny cycle. Hope this helps.--Skrilla

  6. #6
    Nightrider is offline New Member
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    the whole Deca gyno thing will not happen unless you are planning to use massive dosages. If you run test at 500 mg a week and deca at 300 or 400 mg a week you should be safe. I would (just like the others said) ad arimidex to the stack throughout the cycle.
    At the dosages mentioned above 0,25 mg a day should do water..just muscle ....arimidex is pricey though! if you can't get it at a reasonable price I would not run it through the entire cycle!

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