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  1. #1

    Exclamation WINSTROL, tEST, CLEN ?

    I am getting my 3rd cycle together i want to have a cutting cycle, I how 20ml of Winstrol QV 100 i was woundering how much i should take and how often, i have never taken it befor so i need some help i want to take it for 10 to 12 weeks is that two long? also what else could i add to this stack what would be the best TEst to run with it also could anyone give me some info on how much and how long i should and can take Clen

  2. #2
    i want to run this cycle for 12-14wks could anyone give me a good layout

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The GYM
    do a search there are tons of threads on this type of question. After you do some searches if you have any questions pm me and I will be happy to help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I would recommend running a search..... there is sufficient info provided in previous threats that would help you out. Prop IMO is the best type of test to run when cutting; definitely do not stay on winny for more than six weeks; and as for clen, run it two weeks on and two weeks off (refer to clen handbook).

    Sample cycle

    weeks 1-12 prop 100mgs/eod
    weeks 6-12 winny 50 mgs/ eod
    clen 2 on 2 off
    followed by PCT

    (bare in mind doses can be manipulated...just an example

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    either go with test e,cyp at 500mg/week which can b shot twice a week or prop at 75-100mg/shot everyday. winny should b taken at 50mg/everyday. run the test for 10-12 weeks and the winny for about 8 weeks. clen i would save for pct. work ur way up to 150mcg. u can go longer than 2 weeks on if u run benadryl. do a serch for that and u'll get more info. also u'll ned to run 10mg/nolva/day then bump it up to 20mg/day during pct along with clomid.

    best to research this b4 u start.

    good luck

  6. #6
    So my base should be the test what about some anavar for 1-4wks? i am want to get ripped my last two cycles have been mass and have been great now i am to big for my position (football position) and the coach want me to shed some weight,

    what i did last time was take my test on tues and my equipoise on thurs should i do the same with test e and cyp at 500 everytime?

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