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Thread: For all of you who say deca alone wont do much well here is my results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    For all of you who say deca alone wont do much well here is my results

    Norma deca.....Started first shot on feb. 19 and did only 50mg just to see if I would have a allergic reaction to it. My weight was 157 pounds 5'8 and bench was 175 2 times. Week 5 I'm now at 171 pounds bench 225 2 times. This goes to show that you dont have to do 400-600mg a week and take with something else to make any gains like most people say. I have one more week left and that shot is going to be 200mg I only had 7 vials to start with thats why cycle is so short. And my man still works no deca dick..well?

    week 1 50mg
    2 150mg
    3 300
    4 400
    5 300
    Last edited by skinny guy; 03-25-2002 at 07:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Good gains. But how old are u bro?


  3. #3
    Originally posted by skinny guy
    Norma deca.....Started first shot on feb. 19 and did only 50mg just to see if I would have a allergic reaction to it. My weight was 157 pounds 5'8 and bench was 175 2 times. Week 5 I'm now at 171 pounds bench 225 2 times. This goes to show that you dont have to do 400-600mg a week and take with something else to make any gains like most people say. I have one more week left and that shot is going to be 200mg I only had 7 vials to start with thats why cycle is so short. And my man still works no deca dick..

    week 1 50mg
    2 150mg
    3 300
    4 400
    5 300
    I'm confused as to how the long ester deployed so quickly. Vets/Mods? Anyone?


    Which week did you start gaining? How many pounds each week?
    Last edited by Methuselah; 03-22-2002 at 01:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hope you have some clomid.

    I took me like 3 weeks to even begin to see results with the deca. I did a deca/winnie cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Im 30 years old

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    good job. you were benching 175 for 2 reps? that's a nice improvement, but i'd hardly say you were ready to start using AS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    btw, sorry if that came off badly. i meant no offense by it. it's just that using AS too early doesn't teach you the right principles of lifting and dieting, not to mention steroids work better off bigger muscles. but if you felt that you were ready then congratulations on your gain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The only bad thing is I dont have any clomid

  9. #9
    Join Date
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    im horny your not

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The only bad thing is I dont have any clomid
    Well next time you cycle you should get clomid, cuz your gonna crash...
    Good gains though..
    Good Luck


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I see your point Dr. evil. For the last 15 years my weight was 130 pounds no matter how much I ate or worked out I couldnt gain. So about 2 years ago I had my doctor switch my asthma med. that I have been taking just about all my life. Started working out again and my weight went up from 130 pounds 155-160. For about the last 6-7 months my weight was stuck there and havent been able to gain so thats why I wanted to try some juice and it has did the job for me. I didnt want to blow up just put on some more weight.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    if your asthma med was corticosteroid based then it could be a reason why you couldn't gain. these steroids are strongly catabolic and will eat your muscle like crazy.

    good job on the gains though.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    hehe, you should have lied and said you did!!! things like that don't go over to well on this "high class board"

    btw - to the guys that wondering how it kicked in, this is my little guess.

    as soon as he start AS he ate and workout harder before, almost a placebo effect. And still being fairly small was able to gain weight easier then if he was over 200+.

    my question is, how much would he have gained if he only thought he was on AS and actualy wasnt?

    Good job man, either way you made the gains!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    lol, Dr' Evil you just made my theory go down the drain!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    i never said that skinny guy

    so dont get mad at me .as a matter of fact that was my first cycle and also seen good gains .good job bro

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by arthurb999
    Hope you have some clomid.

    I took me like 3 weeks to even begin to see results with the deca. I did a deca/winnie cycle.
    What results did you get with Deca and Winny?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live

    this is why you research before cycling

    First the shot of nand that you took will suppress you HPTA for 32-day min.... here is the study only 100mgs of nand and guess what down goes


    I am happy that you got 14 pounds of deca alone, lets see if you would have done test w/deca or stacked it with something you would have gotten more

    I'm confused as to how the long ester deployed so quickly. Vets/Mods? Anyone?
    Well... well...well let’s answer that in two ways

    1) Your natural test levels per week are around 70-80mgs

    So after your first shot of nand {2) which by the way in no way in hell could have become bio-active for min of 21 days} your natural test would have gone to the shits immediately... YES AFTER THE INJECTION YOUR BODY WOULD HAVE STOPPED ITS OWN TEST DO TO THE FACT OF A FOREIGN ANDROGEN, READ THE STUDY... which by the way there are more studies that state the same thing....

    One other thing your last shot of nand will become bio-active in 21 days after administration add ANOTHER 32 days until little jimmy starts doing its own job...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live

  20. #20

    Re: this is why you research before cycling

    Originally posted by Dancer
    First the shot of nand that you took will suppress you HPTA for 32-day min.... here is the study only 100mgs of nand and guess what down goes


    I am happy that you got 14 pounds of deca alone, lets see if you would have done test w/deca or stacked it with something you would have gotten more

    Well... well...well let’s answer that in two ways

    1) Your natural test levels per week are around 70-80mgs

    So after your first shot of nand {2) which by the way in no way in hell could have become bio-active for min of 21 days} your natural test would have gone to the shits immediately... YES AFTER THE INJECTION YOUR BODY WOULD HAVE STOPPED ITS OWN TEST DO TO THE FACT OF A FOREIGN ANDROGEN, READ THE STUDY... which by the way there are more studies that state the same thing....

    One other thing your last shot of nand will become bio-active in 21 days after administration add ANOTHER 32 days until little jimmy starts doing its own job...
    So what is the conclusion? Is it impossible for someone to gain from deca in the first 3 weeks? So Skinny guy gained 14 pounds in two weeks? Wow wee! That's hard to beleive especially at that dose without a test and/or dbol stack.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    san diego
    all this talk about deca-dick makes me wonder.... can someone actually get eq-dick since they both basically hit the same receptors?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    First off, Iron Horse, your old avatar was WAY better

    Everything i've read and been told, says that Deca takes 3-4 weeks for it to kick in. How can this be then??? That's a damn good question. I agree with IH, it was probably mostly psychological. He ate and trained like an animal!!! LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!

    Well, maybe more of us should try Deca only cycles :shrugs:

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i think gains are perfectly possible with those dosage if it's your 1st cycle...
    My trainer who competed with good results till 1999 has never used the amount of gear you suggest even for a newbie (500mg of testo and 400mg of deca for 10 weeks) and i can assure you that no one in the picture section of this forum looks better than him back in those years. You are free to believe that he only put mass for the placebo effect...but i strongly doubt it.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    just think of arnold if you're not convinced...what do you think he used? he only had d-bol and probably he used some testo...not 1000mg/week for 10 weeks with deca, winny, eq etc.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    somebody correct me if i am wrong but isnt the half life of deca 6 days onaverage.of course someone with a fast metabolism the half life would be a little that means in about 12 days you would metabolize 75% of the deca ,on in less than 2weeks 75% of the deca is ACTIVE. with someone like him,where his body has been in a catabolic affect his whole life and now is in an anti catabolic state , im pretty sure his met. is through the roof!with that being said his body is metabolizing the deca a little faster than the norm, so i would think in about 10 days he has metabolized 75%of the deca,and his first cycle why couldnt he gain 14lbs in 4 weeks?he probally has about 500mgs still not metabolized in his hes going to inj.200mgs next week so he might gain another 5 lbsbefore he has metabolized all of the juice. he might crash pretty hard w/out clomid and loose alot of it post cycle.
    i am curious to know how much more you gain in the next 3 weeks ,and how much you loose post cycle,so post the results.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    if your asthma med was corticosteroid based then it could be a reason why you couldn't gain. these steroids are strongly catabolic and will eat your muscle like crazy.

    good job on the gains though.
    You're referring to the inhaler-type corticosteroidals? I'm curious how much oral asthma medications effect muscle catabolism. I'm taking Singulair and i'd be very interested in knowing if that stuff is hurting my gains. I was unaware of this possibility thanks evil-meister!!!!!!!

    Please post anything you know about this everyone!!!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Hammer PM me about the whole asthma subject and singular

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    to clarify, I have some strong opinions about Singular because of experience and would rather not put them on board. This may sound stupid but lets just say legal reasons.

    Take CAre


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well guys thanks for all the comments. I have no need to lie if I was going to lie I would have said I gained 50 pounds. So are some of you guys saying that my deca hasn't even kicked in yet and I will put on more weight. Maybe it isnt the deca I have been eating alot and taking protein shakes. You guys have to remember I'm a small framed person. Hammerhead I use to be on theodur for my asthma and Im to on singuliar the only thing I dont like about it is it gives me direaha.

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