ok so there are tons of new vet drugs and shit out that claim to have high mg per ml.....theoretically you can fit more then 250 mg's of a drug substance in a ml of oil.....so in order to put high ammounts of a substance in a ml you need to jack up the BA....or so this is what i have read on numerous occasions in strasser and roberts columns....now a simple rule of thumb with vet grade crap is to boil it...this in turn will remove bacteria...and some say will help evaporate some of the BA to make the shot less painful.....now i am no genius and am not sure the above it true to begin with....however i do know boiling or cooking alcohol will make it evaporate...my question is when boiling gear and fucking with the levels of BA aren't you most likely killing that high mg/ml ratio that you are "supposedly" getting when purchasing the product to begin with??