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Thread: 6 weeks off cycle and I think Im finally seeing the results I want

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024

    6 weeks off cycle and I think Im finally seeing the results I want

    Came off a fina, eq, winny cycle, gained about 30-35 lbs to 234lb, I have been cutting out all carbs doing cardio in the morning, using yohimburn and NYC and finally the bloat or fat has started to fall off. I am pretty close to being satisfied with my results. SO all in all I correct my steroid experience to a good one, probably because I used it to bulk up in muscle and then cutt my diet severly and lost alot of muslce and fat at the same time and came down to a better body fat, muscle ratio.

  2. #2

    That's fantastic, jmiro. Got pics?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    why where you getting bloated and fat from that cycle, that should of helped in leaning you out?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    35lbs holy crap,how much of that is keepable? good job
    must of had a good diet and training routine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024
    I dont know what the hell happened, my friend who was on the same cycle could not beleive I out weighed him by 16lbs, it was my first cycle, and I ate pretty clean, low carbs lots of protein. I was looking good, but way too big for me, I like a lean look for the women on the beach....
    35 lbs yes it was a lot, I didnt gain much fat, but now I trying to cut down, Im 216 right now and looking on losing 5lbs more of fat. aroun 10-11% body fat right now. I must say most of the muscle went to my legs, because I can still leg press 810 lbs, up from 360 pre cycle. I also did a lot of spinning classes, to even out on cardio. My girlfriend loves my quads and glutes now, and asks me if I can do another cycle soon to work on my calves and obliques.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    calves and obliques? she's getting picky in what she wants!

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