Firstly - my first post on here. Secondly, first AAS cycle.
I will say before people moan at me, that I have read and researched on what I am about to ask. But, the more posts I read, the more confused I get !! So many people arguing etc ! So, what I am after is a quick answer (Maybe its not perfect but hey?!?) to the following because I start my cycle in 2 days time and my mind is now bamboozled with diff info from all over !
Here goes -
Cycle - Sus250mg per week (1shot on mon)
Deca200mg per week (1 Shot on wed)
Dianabol daily
Nolva every 3rd day @ 20mg
Heres the first Q -
1) people are arguing whether or not its good to do sus ed or eod or eotd as oppose to once per week. I have bought my gear now and only have 12amps. I htought, to compromise now after buying, that I could maybe break the bottle, draw out half in one syringe and inject it. The other half drawn up and sealed in another syringe. I would then take the second half 3/4days later. This is an option and the Q is, what is the best way to use up 12 bottles over the above 10wk cycle ??
2) Should I pyramid the dianabol? If so, i was originally pyramidding up to 9 x 5mg tabs per day. Im now thinking this too high ? If so, what is the best amount to go up to ? maybe 5tabs per day ? Also, Im assuming I just split them up through day evenly ? 1 to take before the gym ?
3) When should I start PCT? Some say straight after the 10wk cycle, others say wait for the sus to run off about 14days after the last injection?
4) Will HCG do me anything to keep the gains if I use it also ? If so, how much and when ? Please bear cost in mind !!
Again, Im sorry if they seem
Q's that have been answered many times already but, like I said, there is so much confusing reading all the other posts etc that I'd rather just hear it straight.
Thanks for your help