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Thread: I have changed my mind. This will be the next cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Exclamation I have changed my mind. This will be the next cycle.

    Im gonna make a little Test prop and Tren Ace to kickstart the cycle. ANd am thinking about trying a low dose of Dbol like 10mgs . To see if that is enough for a improved sense of well being.

    750mg Testosterone Enanthate weeks 01-20
    600mg Trenbolone Enanthate weeks 07-20
    500mg Boldenolone Undecylenate weeks 01-19
    525mg Stanzolol 75mg E/D Weeks 14-22
    525mg Anavar 75mg E/D weeks 01-14
    10mg Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) E/D weeks 01-22
    .5mg Letrozole (Femara) E/D weeks 01-22
    500iu HCG 2x weekly weeks 06-21
    8-10iu Insulin PWO 4 weeks on and off weeks 1-4 , 9-13, 18-22

    PCT will be done with Armidex/Nolvadex/Clomid/tribulus.

    I am planing on doing a IGF-1 lr3 cycle during the bridge between cycles, and hopefully some more during the cutting cycle. Im thinking Im gonna be able to get some HGH Jintropin half way through this bulker. And do 2 iu's 5on 2 off untill I can get more. And work my way up to 4iu's

    Before anyone says anything about shorter esters for bloating keep in mind that I have been doing E/D injections for about a year straight. Im ready for twice a week injections by now. My next cutting cycle will be E/D again. I will inject the winstrol at the end of this cycle if it would mean i could take it for a longer period like 8 weeks.( I have Zambons).

    How much T3 or any other ancilliary to help keep the flab off?

    If there is any supplements that you would recommend me take while on this cycle?? I can still get Ephedrine and ECA stackers.

    I am gonna be running on an empty stomach 4 mornings a week for 30-40 minutes each time. And Im gonna do ab and oblique work for 30 minutes everynight after working out at my Gym.

    Thanks for anyone that helps me!!!
    Last edited by Anhydro78; 01-16-2005 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    Im gonna make a little Test prop and Tren Ace to kickstart the cycle. ANd am thinking about trying a low dose of Dbol like 10mgs . To see if that is enough for a improved sense of well being.

    750mg Testosterone Enanthate weeks 01-20
    600mg Trenbolone Enanthate weeks 07-20
    500mg Boldenolone Undecylenate weeks 01-19
    525mg Stanzolol 75mg E/D Weeks 14-22
    525mg Anavar 75mg E/D weeks 01-14
    10mg Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) E/D weeks 01-22
    .5mg Letrozole (Femara) E/D weeks 01-22
    500iu HCG 2x weekly weeks 06-21
    8-10iu Insulin PWO 4 weeks on and off weeks 1-4 , 9-13, 18-22

    PCT will be done with Armidex/Nolvadex/Clomid/tribulus.

    Thanks for anyone that helps me!!!
    I don't know what to say. The cycle looks good. I would drop the winny and move the tren up two weeks or push back the test two weeks. That's it.

  3. #3
    When you get the HGH adding t3 would be a good idea and I am more comfortable with the insulin use @10iu even though you(if any one has seen you) personally could go higher.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    three words of caution regarding the insulin..
    1. make sure you have enough carbs in your PWO shake..
    2. make sure there's very little fat in your evening meal.
    3. If this is your first run, be careful with metabolic enhancers (t3, etc).. they can make insulin act... funny...

    recommended supplements:
    flax seed oil
    r-ala,milk thistle (these two especially if you plan on keeping the win in there)

    make sure you get bloodwork done every 4 weeks or so... and you should be good to go.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I have been using small doses of insulin for some time now. I ussually dont have a problem with getting my food in afterwards.. And for supplements I take all that and more. Im lucky there is a store here that sells everything that Walgreens and Walmart carrys for vitamins and supplements. And everything is one dollar. I havnt seen RALA there but a couple times. But I can get Osteo Bi-Flex triple strength bottle for one buck. And they ussually sell for 30+ dollars at walmart.

    I can see that Stanzolol might not be the best choice for this cycle. But if I dropit I have to add something in its place. You have to think I cant spend the last 8 weeks of a 20 week cycle at a lower dose than the previous 12 weeks. It will be 8 weeks of dead time. Im open for suggestions. I dont really see too many choices for drugs there. I might have to increase the Testosterone dose during that time.

    I cant get rid of these d@mn Zambons for nothing. I have had 60 of them for more than a year. LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    25mg of winny and 75mg of Var ed? I don't think the winny is needed.

    I heard you had pics up, "huge mofo" i was told.

    Can you post the link?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    that is a long time to run 17aas....

  8. #8
    Why not drop the var at week 10, I know you can get primo tabs so they are not 17aa so you could run them at 150mg per day(3 tabs of 50mg) weeks 11-16, then hit the winny (hopefully injected) 100mg ed for 17-22 last 6 weeks before pct.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    What happend to the Test bridge? Canned it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    What happend to the Test bridge? Canned it?

    I cant get any real info on bridging. I have a couple freinds that Bridge but Im not doing anything like they are and wouldnt if I had to. Im thinking of maybe doing a real small dose of Primobolan like 200mgs a week starting that a couple weeks before PCT. Then Do Pheenos full PCT. And Schedule a igf-1 LR3 cycle during the off time. All i m hoping to do is keep most of my gains less pump for my next cutting cycle.

    What are you guys thinking Primobolan instead of Winstrol?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I have yet to use Anavar. Everyone that uses it seems to love it. But they also reccomend a large dose. I was under the impression that it could be run for longer periods. Do you guys think that is too much?

    Im at work right now but I have found one of the posts I posted them in and here you go.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Just so you know my back is my best body part.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Lats.jpg 
Views:	283 
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ID:	44087  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Var in large doses (100 mg ED if i'm not mistaken) has been shown to REVERSE liver damage in alcoholics. I think you're fine at that dose and that duration, assuming you make sure to get your bloodwork done. Given the EQ, make sure to do your blood pressure once a week, preferably before working out. (it will be elevated after)

    The winny is another story though. I don't know anything about your personal tolerance, but i know guys that have gotten a little yellow on 75 for 6 weeks.. not quite as long as you plan on running it.
    Last edited by chrisAdams; 01-17-2005 at 06:10 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    I cant get any real info on bridging. I have a couple freinds that Bridge but Im not doing anything like they are and wouldnt if I had to. Im thinking of maybe doing a real small dose of Primobolan like 200mgs a week starting that a couple weeks before PCT. Then Do Pheenos full PCT. And Schedule a igf-1 LR3 cycle during the off time. All i m hoping to do is keep most of my gains less pump for my next cutting cycle.

    What are you guys thinking Primobolan instead of Winstrol?
    Ok you running the primobolan DURING PCT? That would not be wise, save the primo for when you catch a cold.

    The IGF-1 cycle in your off time is a good idea.

    I think you're running wayyyyyyy to much gear for your size

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    **** you're a monster bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Here is my problem big KlG right now im at a weight that requires steroids to keep. How im cycling now time on= time off means Pumped vs Not Pumped. Im not gonna get any heavier. This is why im considering bridgin.. Im open to all suggestions on how I could do this differently. I guess what it really comes down to is I am not as concerned with letting My HTPA normalize fully.

    How do you really think im running too much gear. This for me is kinda low doses allready. I wouldnt be as big as I am now if I didnt use the amount of gear I do. This is only 2 grams. I want to be alot bigger. All these drugs are in their effective dose range. Do you have any Ideas how to do this cleaner ,leaner?

    I dont look as good as in that pic right now. That was a couple cycles ago. Since then I bulked to 277 pretty much fat azz. Then cut down to where im at now a rounder version of that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    Cycle looks good bro. I'm starting something similar except I'll be using Tren A and no Var. Bridging for me is 250mgl of Test a week. It has worked for me pretty well. Looking huge in your pic. Best of luck.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    Here is my problem big KlG right now im at a weight that requires steroids to keep. How im cycling now time on= time off means Pumped vs Not Pumped. Im not gonna get any heavier. This is why im considering bridgin.. Im open to all suggestions on how I could do this differently. I guess what it really comes down to is I am not as concerned with letting My HTPA normalize fully.

    How do you really think im running too much gear. This for me is kinda low doses allready. I wouldnt be as big as I am now if I didnt use the amount of gear I do. This is only 2 grams. I want to be alot bigger. All these drugs are in their effective dose range. Do you have any Ideas how to do this cleaner ,leaner?

    I dont look as good as in that pic right now. That was a couple cycles ago. Since then I bulked to 277 pretty much fat azz. Then cut down to where im at now a rounder version of that.
    To be honest i never liked the idea of bridging. Did you contact the fellas who are on most of the time? Like Rickson or BDTR.

    I was joking about your cycle, I look like you're on much more than that so i cracked a joke.

    What are the highest dosages you've used?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I was gonna ask if you where joking but was trying not to offend. Thats a good Idea about asking them guys. I just didnt know who did and no body responded to my posts about it.

    Im thinking my last big bulking cycle at one point was 3.5gs . I cant remember exactly. I have it saved on my computor at home. Im at work now, im getting ready to close the gym. Ill post it when I get home.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ok cool, get home safe.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Here is a 3.5g

    Here it is. It is a 16 week cycle

    My very first shot was 1,000mgs of testosterone and 600mgs of Deca and then I went to split up bi-weekly injections three days later

    400mgs E/W Testosterone Enanthate weeks 1-15 Bi-weekly shots
    100mgs E/D Testosterone Propionate weeks 1-16
    600mgs E/W Nandrolone Decanoate weeks 1-4 Bi-weekly shots
    300mgs E/W Nandrolone Decanoate weeks 5-15 Bi-weekly shots
    400mgs E/W Boldenone Decanoate weeks 5-15 Bi-weekly shots
    75mgs E/D Anadrol weeks 1-6 dose split up 3 ways
    100mgs E/D Trenbolone acetate weeks 7-16
    30mgs E/D Halotestin weeks 12-16 dose split up 3 way 1.25mgs Eo/D Femera weeks 1-16
    10mgs E/D Nolvadex weeks 1-16
    500iu HCG twice a week every other week, weeks 2-16

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    So why did you back off from the 3.5 back to the 2.0?

    A heafty dose of test and tren might do the trick. I would ask PurePower or BRTR if i were you.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    That is what got me up to 277lbs. But I gained alot of fat. I gained 37lbs from that cycle. So much that it wasnt easy to get lean with this last cutting phase. And too much to get real lean. Plus im gonna start using HGH and IGF regularly and supposedly you can lower your doses. I plan on starting both during the time of this cycle.

    So I want to take milder drugs. Besides Trenbolone cant stop taking that stuff. I want to try Anavar and Primobolan.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    That is what got me up to 277lbs. But I gained alot of fat. I gained 37lbs from that cycle. So much that it wasnt easy to get lean with this last cutting phase. And too much to get real lean. Plus im gonna start using HGH and IGF regularly and supposedly you can lower your doses. I plan on starting both during the time of this cycle.

    So I want to take milder drugs. Besides Trenbolone cant stop taking that stuff. I want to try Anavar and Primobolan.
    I would forget the primo expensive and weak. Can you get your hands on a drug called clostabol? It's MUCH cheaper than primo and more anabolic.
    Test, tren, GH, IGF-1 and letro. Studies show that var is really good at buring sub-q fat.
    I think you need to bump up your dosages that's for sure, as for how much i can't tell you w/o exp.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    The drug you just told me to look into has to be the most hard to find drug there is. Nobody even talks about. I dont see it on powder lists or many source lists.

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