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Thread: Letro Dose for Test400

  1. #1

    Letro Dose for Test400

    I am running an 8 week cycle of test400 at 400mgs a week shots sun and thurs. I have enough letro to do 1.25grams every other day. will that dosage bee enough to stop me from bloating and holding alot of water. i plan on using the letro week 1-8 and doing pct with clomid and hcg. also can anyone recomend proper hcg and clomid doses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    8 weeks seems a bit of a short cycle IMO, also u will not need HCG just clomid

    use pheednos PCT

  3. #3
    I agree its short but i might bump it up to 600mgd a week. and dont u think it will shut me down pretty good are u sure no hcg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    8 weeks isnt long enough. the last of the esters wont kick in till almost week 5 so u only want about 3 weeks ofsolid muscle building? is this your first cycle? also i would kick it out to 12 weeks to maximize the benefits from the cycle.

    also no need for HCGbut if u do decide to take it, dont take it at the same time as clomid. they will cancel each other out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    everyone's reccomendations are accurate......but back to the original questions.....the letro dose will depend upon the individual....1.25 EOD is standard....but someone like me who has a propensity for gyno and bloat I usually run it ED rare cases if im on a high dose I may step it up a lil more.

    Also, rememeber Letro is harsher on your lipid profile than dex, but then again it works better thats the price.

    Good Luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IGOTJUICE007
    everyone's reccomendations are accurate......but back to the original questions.....the letro dose will depend upon the individual....1.25 EOD is standard....but someone like me who has a propensity for gyno and bloat I usually run it ED rare cases if im on a high dose I may step it up a lil more.

    Also, rememeber Letro is harsher on your lipid profile than dex, but then again it works better thats the price.

    Good Luck.
    Bro, whats a lipid profile and how do you keep it in check?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    Bro, whats a lipid profile and how do you keep it in check?
    To be simplistic, its your cholesterol, it has an adverse effect on the ratios of good and bad cholesterol, as is the case with all aromatase inhibitors.

    A standard cholesterol test will help you monitor it.

    If one were taking ARIMIDEX insteand they could run a SERM (nolvadex) in conjunction to help keep choelesterol levels in check. However, running a SERM with femara is not effective in the same way according to research.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IGOTJUICE007
    To be simplistic, its your cholesterol, it has an adverse effect on the ratios of good and bad cholesterol, as is the case with all aromatase inhibitors.

    A standard cholesterol test will help you monitor it.

    If one were taking ARIMIDEX insteand they could run a SERM (nolvadex) in conjunction to help keep choelesterol levels in check. However, running a SERM with femara is not effective in the same way according to research.
    Ok, another question...I get bloated very easily. I have been taking armidex along with 1.5 mg of Femera daily...any problems there. Also is there any risk of losing the mojo with that dose of Femera?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    .50 ed is what i would run

  10. #10
    I can only do 8 weeks cause im goin to acapulco in 8 weeks and dont want to bring that **** on the plane with me. its my second cycle and i saw n signs of gyno with my first cycle(Low doses of test deca and anavar)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    Ok, another question...I get bloated very easily. I have been taking armidex along with 1.5 mg of Femera daily...any problems there. Also is there any risk of losing the mojo with that dose of Femera?
    I wouldnt advise taking 2 AI's (aromatase inhibitors) simultaneously. I would pick one and go with an appropriate dose.....also remember this will only tackle th estrogen related side that effect water retention. If your pouring salt on your movie theatre popcorn your still gonna get bloated even though your on an AI

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