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  1. #1
    HPvox is offline New Member
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    Sep 2002

    Q's of the uneducated

    First I would like to say "Hello" to everyone here as you can see that I am a complete newbie. It is definitely a great site you fellas have here.

    I've been looking into doing a cycle of steroids , but wanted to go about it the smart way and that's why I came here. I'm 24, 207lbs, 5-10. I would like to loose the fat (priority) and put on some mass retaining the fat loss and muscle gain (now that i think about it, everyone is prolly after the same thing). The biggest problem areas for me are my gut, love handles, and chest. Not to mention my arms are relatively skinny compared to the ret of my body as they seem not to have much fat. Now, I've read many threads and saw some pics that just look amazing. However, the more I read, the more I am cofused and changing my mind. So, I decided to go with 19-NORANDROSTENEDIOL (Deca Durabolin ) and take CLOMID after I finish my cycle. From what I see, I also have to take Winny too. I hope this doesn't sound too stupid (too late), but please have some patience with my stupid a$$. Am I even remotely making sense here? $hit, I'm even embarrased coming out and making a post becasuse I don't know squat comparing to you guys. Anyhow, if someone can shed a little guidance on my decision or maybe private pm me with some suggestions to keep my nonsense off the boards, please do. Thanks.

  2. #2
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    Welcome! Let me start by saying that the nutrition part of your program is 90% of your final objective. That is right... without proper nutrition; you are just wasting your time and money. So I would suggest that you keep reading all you can and learn while you are getting your diet in order. I think you will see great results loosing that “gut” by doing your cardio, eating properly and maybe taking some sort of ECA stack to help burn the fat.

  3. #3
    HPvox is offline New Member
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    Sep 2002
    Thanks for the quick response. I tried a carb diet before, but I think it might have been too drastic and I could see fat as well as muscle loss. I was going on a 1200 cal diet (whatever carb food was handy as long as I didn't have moer than 1200cal a day). Now, the only way I know of choosing a proper diet is through some time of a customized program, however to date I have spend some $ and I could tell they just weren't right. I also noticed a sample here
    Do you think it would be wise to purchase this system, or is there a general examle as in the link above that I can follow. I have no problem with getting my $shit together and going to the gym, it is just that it seems it is getting me nowhere. I also get enough sleep.

  4. #4
    paulastone's Avatar
    paulastone is offline Member
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    ottawa, canadian monkey
    I would suggest to do the most research on this board to have the knowledge about aas. The more you know is better if your gonna cross over the dark side of aas. Stick around here for awile, read ,read and read some more. There's some realy good info on this bord
    I learn sh$t everyday here!
    Good luck

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