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  1. #1
    LB55blitz's Avatar
    LB55blitz is offline Devote Avril Lavigne Fan
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    Gettin lean wit it...

    Yes...a DBol question.

    Can I run dbol by itself?


    No but here's my situation.

    I am running 100mg prop ED and things are going pretty well. I have till the beginning of March to get my cycle done and then I have to go off because of NCAA piss testing. I am going to throw some dbol in my cycle for 4 weeks just for the hell of it, I figure it won't hurt anything. But I was wondering about my gains, I know water weight will obviously be lost but I am concerned about strength. If I continue to run prop after I am off dbol will I keep my dbol strength gains? I figure I will run the prop about 2 weeks after I'm done with the dbol, and then will begin pct. I may up my prop dosage more just because I want to get as many gains as I can before spring ball. Any opinions are welcome, just mainly concerned about my dbol strength gains, don't want to lose them.

  2. #2
    Aboot's Avatar
    Aboot is offline Banned
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    You'll likely lose the strength gains from the d-bol. It's just the nature of the drug.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I doubt you'll keep ALL the gains even if you do it like that, but I donno really.
    Nice avatar bro Tyrone Biggums lol.

  4. #4
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    You will still keep your strength as long as you are running the prop I believe. You may not get a whole lot stronger after you stop taking the dbol , but your strength shouldn't drop dramatically, after all you will still have 700mg/wk of prop running through your system.

  5. #5
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetPumped
    You will still keep your strength as long as you are running the prop I believe. You may not get a whole lot stronger after you stop taking the dbol, but your strength shouldn't drop dramatically, after all you will still have 700mg/wk of prop running through your system.
    I disagree. He stands to lose a significant amount of strength after finishing the dbol in this case. Thewindow of opportunity for running the dbol and finishing the prop is small. Regardless of whether or not he continued the prop for even another month or so, the strength will fade when the water leaves.

    In all seriousness, he would be better saving the dbol for a cycle that isn't so abbreviated.

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