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Thread: Can Fed's just show up and search my house??? PLEASE HELP?

  1. #1

    Can Fed's just show up and search my house??? PLEASE HELP?

    alright one of my sources was busted in december, and supposedly they are contacting his customers. I only used him once, well twice but only got one order and lost 1k in money cause the gear never got sent do to him gettin busted. My question is Can feds all of a sudden show up at my door and raid my house lookin for gear. I have alot of gear in my possesion rite now and am gonna get rid of it for a few weeks which I was advised to do, what you bro's think, Im FREAKIN out rite now as Im suppose to start cycling in the week or 2 here. Also Im awaiting some gear from another source, do you think they are watching my addy etc?

  2. #2
    Also, I was using the name do you think they can get into my account and see all my sources, either way im deleting everything as I have made a new one up do to these issues. fuk I need to get rid of this hole jaffry20 ****, they fukin watchin me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    No you'll be alright. It's not that big of a crime to have them come and search unless you're a source who is distributing gear throught the countries. Calm down bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    did your source squeal on who he sold to? or keep books of all his customers? if not, how did your name get tied to him?

    if they have some proof that you bought, i dont see why they wouldnt be able to come with a search warrant.

    take your gear to a friend's house.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    No you'll be alright. It's not that big of a crime to have them come and search unless you're a source who is distributing gear throught the countries. Calm down bro.

    No I do not distribute to other countries im sure, but I do distibute to some of my bro's where I live. So they can just show up and search, shiiiit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jaffry20
    No I do not distribute to other countries im sure, but I do distibute to some of my bro's where I live. So they can just show up and search, shiiiit.
    where do u live?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by thebrakes
    did your source squeal on who he sold to? or keep books of all his customers? if not, how did your name get tied to him?

    if they have some proof that you bought, i dont see why they wouldnt be able to come with a search warrant.

    take your gear to a friend's house.

    Im not to sure just heard from a Mod that has been helping me out that they are contacting customers and to clean my house out.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    where do u live?

    Just up the street from yah bro, In Penticton.

  9. #9
    I am also awaiting gear still to come in the mail, do you think they are watching the mail??

  10. #10
    Do you think they can hack into

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Just clean your house up man. Don't worry so much I've been in a lot worse situations than this involving steroids. I had a whole football team buying off me and the word got out to cops, teachers, parents, etc. Never doin that sh*t again
    Last edited by YounG_SluG11; 01-20-2005 at 11:19 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by jaffry20
    Also, I was using the name do you think they can get into my account and see all my sources, either way im deleting everything as I have made a new one up do to these issues. fuk I need to get rid of this hole jaffry20 ****, they fukin watchin me
    If they weren't able to before, now they have your user name and are more likely to be able to do what you said.

    Why mention your SECURE email out in the open? That is just a no-no...

    Hide your gear at a friends place until it blows over, and hope nothing comes of it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    Just clean your house up man. Don't worry so much I've been in a lot worse situations than this involving steroids. I had a football team buying off me and the word got out to cops, teachers, parents, etc. Never doin that sh*t again

    Alrighty ill take yah word for it foresure, definetly cleaning out. WoW musta made some good coin, that's alotta customers, yeh it's to skechy to sell to alot, I just hook up my close buddies.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    If they weren't able to before, now they have your user name and are more likely to be able to do what you said.

    Why mention your SECURE email out in the open? That is just a no-no...

    Hide your gear at a friends place until it blows over, and hope nothing comes of it.

    that account is clean now, nothing in it all DELETED, havea new account which will not be stated. and i will be hoping nothin does happen. Thansk bro

  15. #15
    and most likely my account name was on his PC which they most likely have so it wouldn't of mattered, just thought id add that so i didn't look to retared.

  16. #16
    Be back, going to get rid of my gear, most likely inject all of it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    they're not gon come to ur house bro! canada laws arent strict about aas! its not illegal

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jaffry20
    Alrighty ill take yah word for it foresure, definetly cleaning out. WoW musta made some good coin, that's alotta customers, yeh it's to skechy to sell to alot, I just hook up my close buddies.
    I live in a town where everybody knows everything about everybody. Stuff gets around quick where i live, so it was pretty stupid of me. At least I didn't get busted though.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tycin
    they're not gon come to ur house bro! canada laws arent strict about aas! its not illegal
    Yeah exactly...

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
    Yeah exactly...
    What's not illegal, so possess AAS?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    if your really paranoid and u have the gear gone...reformat your hard drive...just cuz u delete stuff doesnt mean it is gone..they can find stuff...JMO for ya bro...hopefully u will be fine.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by hill8985
    if your really paranoid and u have the gear gone...reformat your hard drive...just cuz u delete stuff doesnt mean it is gone..they can find stuff...JMO for ya bro...hopefully u will be fine.

    alright bro, done. but how exactly do you do that, not to smart on the comp. also be shootn a pm to yah have something for ya.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    your computer should have come with some kind of reboot the package when you opened will show you the steps...enter a few commands and boom your computer is back to what it was when you got it out of the box....i'll helpya if u cant figure it bro

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by hill8985
    your computer should have come with some kind of reboot the package when you opened will show you the steps...enter a few commands and boom your computer is back to what it was when you got it out of the box....i'll helpya if u cant figure it bro

    Thanks bro, ill look for it and shoot a pm tom or something if i find it, I know u'll be on here, as we have nothing better to do, including myself .

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    You can legally possess AS in Canada.

    You will get in sh*t by trafficing it and by traveling with it (they could nail you with intent to traffic by transporting it). Technically they could nail you for even buying it. Dumb huh? You can possess it but you can't buy it. How typical of law makers.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    You can legally possess AS in Canada.

    You will get in sh*t by trafficing it and by traveling with it (they could nail you with intent to traffic by transporting it). Technically they could nail you for even buying it. Dumb huh? You can possess it but you can't buy it. How typical of law makers.

    Yeh that's F*cked up might as well make it legal, haha, make it ALOT easier on some of us. Yeh no worries as I was only able to purches once, so imnot huge buying, it's all good, thanks for the info Money Boss Hustla, eases all my worries now.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters


    does Canada have the feds? Are they like Dudley DoRight?

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    does Canada have the feds? Are they like Dudley DoRight?
    Fuk, most likely not. Our feds our "old school" RCMP who ride around on horses, they say they can get into tighter areas on horse back.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    ACLU headquarters
    Yes Dudley Do Right of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Our "Feds" are mocked often...but they speak softly and put the hammer down when needed. The RCMP is all over the country. Not only that but CSIS (our FBI) are constantly working with the RCMP. So when sh*t happens big time.

  31. #31
    All you have to do is clean out your house or get your gear to a buddies and keep it there if he doesn't mind. Then when this all settles, start that cycle you were talking about. What they can't find is not going to hurt them

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    MBH , talking tough!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    They seriously ride around on horses? I thought that was just a myth! If they show up to your house, the first thing you have to say is "What's with the long face?"

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hill8985
    if your really paranoid and u have the gear gone...reformat your hard drive...just cuz u delete stuff doesnt mean it is gone..they can find stuff...JMO for ya bro...hopefully u will be fine.
    FYI, reformatting will not "remove" everything. You have to "wipe" the drive and overwrite it. You can dload free drive wipers like Killdisk and wipe it and overwrite it.

    I'm not condoning nor advising this action but I just wanted to inform you that reformatting won't fully cut it.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by carbs-rule
    They seriously ride around on horses? I thought that was just a myth! If they show up to your house, the first thing you have to say is "What's with the long face?"
    Yeah, and they don't even have guns!!!!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    was the "disclaimer" really necessary

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight1811
    FYI, reformatting will not "remove" everything. You have to "wipe" the drive and overwrite it. You can dload free drive wipers like Killdisk and wipe it and overwrite it.

    I'm not condoning nor advising this action but I just wanted to inform you that reformatting won't fully cut it.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jaffry20
    alright bro, done. but how exactly do you do that, not to smart on the comp. also be shootn a pm to yah have something for ya.
    Rather than format, download a program called "Eraser" from

    You can also download PGP (free) which has a free space wipe utility.

    I would do at least 5 passes. I believe 11 passes is RSA spec

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