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Thread: lab check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    lab check

    im getting some prop amps 50mg 1ml from shanghai biochem labs
    is this lab any good i have never used there stuff

    also IP labs (china) eq and tren e getting a great price i have only used their 15mg var
    is the eq and tren e good ?

    and bd test e and 50mg winni tabs any good ? im sure it is but i gotta double check
    Last edited by juiceinthehood; 01-21-2005 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i need some replys on this bros
    we all know deals dont last forever

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    bros can a get an answer here this is a legitimate ?
    im starting to see that the stupid questions get the most attention on the board
    and the real questions are usually left unanswered
    cmon i might be picking this stuff up today
    great price on the amps from shanghai labs as well as the ip (china) gear and the bd
    need some straight answers on this bros

  4. #4
    Firstly, this is not really a legitimate question, as there seems to be a consensus here in this forum that we shouldn't mention UGLabs by name anymore. This has not been put into the rules formally or nominally, but it does seem to be the way most members are treating things presently.

    Also, you bumped your own post twice, within minutes, as seems to be a pattern with you when your questions are not answered within what you percieve to be an acceptable time frame.

    These factors are probably why people aren't answering your question.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Firstly, this is not really a legitimate question, as there seems to be a consensus here in this forum that we shouldn't mention UGLabs by name anymore. This has not been put into the rules formally or nominally, but it does seem to be the way most members are treating things presently.

    Also, you bumped your own post twice, within minutes, as seems to be a pattern with you when your questions are not answered within what you percieve to be an acceptable time frame.

    These factors are probably why people aren't answering your question.
    okay can i get an answer on this as i stated above i might be picking up this gear today so a quick reply is necessary. hooker why are ppl so quick to flame ppl. with the dumb ?'s but slow to answer a real one its common practice on the board

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Firstly, this is not really a legitimate question, as there seems to be a consensus here in this forum that we shouldn't mention UGLabs by name anymore. This has not been put into the rules formally or nominally, but it does seem to be the way most members are treating things presently.

    Also, you bumped your own post twice, within minutes, as seems to be a pattern with you when your questions are not answered within what you percieve to be an acceptable time frame.

    These factors are probably why people aren't answering your question.
    all this a simple yes or no
    good or bad
    that wouild have been enuf bro im looking for answers not remarks bro

  7. #7
    some havnt answered b/c they are looking for the answer for you.

  8. #8
    Hey bro, Just an FYI I heard in the past that they are good but not sure who your source is (AND DON"T WANT TO KNOW!!!!) But there was a huge scammer selling that gear and I was burned by them also. Just be careful when you order.

  9. #9
    PPL makes a good product.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    PPL makes a good product.
    thats what i hear hooker but i was getting a deal on this stuff i wanted to know if it was good gear b4 i purchased it

  11. #11
    Shanghai is good gear, is IP, but it hurts to shoot.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks bros i did it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    shanghai biochem should not be confused with sl
    I cant find any info on the sb prop. since you picked it up how is it?

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