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  1. #1
    BigBadBoy is offline New Member
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    Get in shape before juicing?

    I've been working out for a long time but got lazy/busy/burnout for a few months so I wasnt working out much but it's not like I turned into a fatass or anything. Anyways I was thinking about running a cycle in a few weeks and was curious about what people thought about that. Should I go natural for a couple months and then do it or does it really even matter?

  2. #2
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    of course u should. it would be a waste of time,money and potential if u wouldn t.

  3. #3
    Baba is offline Associate Member
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    At least get yourself in the swing of workout again b/4 u start the cycle. Get the diet down, where you at as far as weights you lift, a routine, getting enough sleep e.t.c.

  4. #4
    Flynman is offline Associate Member
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    Nice Avatar XXX what is it? As far as your workout BigBad wait until you can complete your full workouts without soreness and get your diet in order. I had a 5 month layoff and it took about 6-7 weeks to get going again.

  5. #5
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Common sense tells you that you should reach your maximum potential growth before turning to AAS..... I'd give yourself some ample time bro...

  6. #6
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Common sense tells you that you should reach your maximum potential growth before turning to AAS..... I'd give yourself some ample time bro...
    That may make sense but is it common sense to wait that long?

  7. #7
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace ventura
    That may make sense but is it common sense to wait that long?
    You're right, it's UNcommon........

  8. #8
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    This sounds like a confidence builder. I understand that going on test can increase your confidence and help you in many ways. I am not condoning or suggesting anything but in situations like this a small cycle of test only at 500mg for 10-12 weeks may help him in the long fun. I would definetly wait a few weeks or a month to get back into the swing of things and strengthen things up but then it is up to you. Take this advice seriously if you feel you are ready in a month or so then go for it if not then wait.

  9. #9
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    I think that if you work out to get ready for gear that will give you motivation even though it's hard to train in the beginning. Don't use gear because you feal like it's hard to get your ass to the gym. Work out hard an prove to yourself that you earn it.

    I think it's important that your body (especially the joints and tendons) get used to the weights before juiceing.

  10. #10
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its obvious most people here didn't reach their genetic potential first, thats a fact. What they did do and what you should do is take a few years to train and diet because if you hop on AAS now you'll have no idea whats going on in the gym, no idea about training splits, dieting, and most of all you won't have the dedication you need - making it a total waste of gear and your own money in the process.

    You said you did train in the past but things change, better meathods are found to train and diet, if you want to speed things up I say get a personal trainer for a few months and let him show you everything you need to succeed, a dietition wouldnt hurt either.

  11. #11
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Do you guys honestly think there's only one answear and only one solution to everything? I'm sure there are plenty of guys that started juiceing "too soon" and got good results and worked their way from there?

    Maybe I'm wrong though...but I think one can learn things fast and know more about lifting than others that have done it for years, but just want to speed it up even more?

    I do agree's weird how long time it takes before you get really experienced in this game. I found myself in the gym for the first time 2,5 years ago.. I have learned so much in the last six months and I still look at myself as a beginner. I think I should wait with the gear but at the same time I feal like I'm ready to do it soon. And I think it's right for me.

    Sorry, this was a little OT.
    Last edited by ace ventura; 01-23-2005 at 02:42 PM.

  12. #12
    BigBadBoy is offline New Member
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    Well I seriously trained for a long time, I just havent been training lately. As far as diet, training, and all the intangible, I am perfectly straight on that and I have done a couple cycles before. The question I really was asking was whether it is harmful to your body if you start a cycle and you arent in tiptop shape, but Im still in better shape than a lot of people who are cycling.

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