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The purpose of everyday is really simple. You are right it stays in your system for 3 days, but the key is to take the next shot with the half life of the last shot is in your body. If you take a shot of 100mg prop. 3 days later you have 0 mgs left in your body so you take another shot of 100mg 3 days later is is back to 0. That is liking taking the first shot of your cycle over and over again. But if you go everyday, you take 100mg the next day half of that is in your body, 50mg so the next shot of 100 mgs makes your body have 150mgs in it, the next day half of that is in your body 75mgs, so the next shot you have 175mg in your body and everyday it builds and builds and bilds and you grow and grow andgrow. This was very hard to explain on here, I hope it makes since. just my 2 cents