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  1. #1
    Uconish is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    My Final Decision

    Ok guys thanks for all the help. Its really hard to decide on the amount of doses because everyone had there own opinion. But what i came up with for a final cycle is this: Let me know what you think. My only question is about the LIQUIDEX?????

    DBOL 30mg ED 1-4 weeks (MILK THISTLE 1000MG ED WHILE ON)
    EQUIPOSE 300mg 1-10 weeks
    Ethanate 300mg 1-10 weeks
    Thinking of using LIQUIDEX at .5mg ED weeks 1-13???????? should I?????????????

    CLOMID week 13: 300mg 1st day, 100mg week 1, 50mg week 2

    Have NOLVA on hand at the first signs of gyno: 40mg till the symptoms go away, then 20mg ED till done with CLOMID

    Imma eat a ton, train like a mad man, and rest as much as possible. Let me know your final thoughts.

    THANKX FOR THE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2001
    only take anti-e's if you have too.

    the doses in that cycle are a bit low, BUT you can still make gains.
    if you could I'd raise them to 400mgs for eq and 500mgs for test.

    JMO, take ala instead of milk thistle because of controversy pluss ala increases insulin sensitivity.

  3. #3
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    .5mg/day would be more than i'd ever need of liquidex, but if your body warrants it then go for it. i'd suggest just take enough to prevent ridiculous amounts of water retention. just start off with .25mg eod and judge where to go from there.

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