Hey I meet a bodybuilder through a friend that gave me this cycle:
1-15 hgh 4iu's 5 on 2 off
1-10 prop/Tren 100mgeach Eod
10-15 prop 100mg
1-7 Winstrol 50mg Ed
8-15 Anavar 40mg Ed
1-15 Eq 400mg Week
Clen 2 weeks on/off
1-15 nolvadex
1-15 arimadex
Expensive, but i think thats a pretty sick cycle, wanted to see what everyone else thought about it. I asked why he was going Eod with the prop/tren, and he said that 10 weeks of tren ed would be too harsh on ur liver, and that eod was plenty when pushing urself to 10 weeks.