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Thread: i would appreciate some quick opinions please

  1. #1

    Red face i would appreciate some quick opinions please

    hey guys im 19 and i have a lil brok thats turning 17 on friday well hes going back to school as a juior in august and i was waandering if maybe somehting like this would give him the edgge on other players ????|10399&id=10312

    i know that his test levels are high but what kind of results could he expect from this and what would it do to him health wise??? would it hurt him in short term or long term??? could he take multi vitamins at the same time and maybe some protien or gultamine? pardon my spelling he is looking to put on some more mass and strength right now hes 6'2 254 but he wants to be alot stronger and wants to play college ball. would this help him???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    no point to taking that stuff. it wont do a thing. the best thing he can do is eat eat and eat. when i say this i am not lying. if he has a clean diet and eats a ton, he will gain like none other. i finally took this advice a while ago and wow, food works wonders. creatine and whey would be good for him though

  3. #3
    now when you say eat what are you talkin about how much a day should he eat and what kindas of food

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Agreed...the product in question is a test-booster.At 17, he doesn't need a test booster. The product that'd give him an edge would be creatine... In addition a sound diet and training program.. and a supplement routine that includes a good multi-vitamin and a protein powder...That'd put him on track.

    He's a big boy
    What's his diet/training like?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by davethehulk
    now when you say eat what are you talkin about how much a day should he eat and what kindas of food
    proteins and complex carbohydrates. lots of calories from those. i believe there is a good diet seciton on these boards. but foods like steak, brown rice, oatmeal, chicken, turkey, and more are great. just be eating constantly, never be hungry. read around the internet on bulking diets, you will learn a lot.

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