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  1. #1
    secxces is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003

    Arrow Sus and dbol questions?

    Well Im back. I havent been on here for about a year. I Have been training for about a year and a half about 19 months. I have cut down on body fat and got some pretty nice gains. I have put together my own diet program and have stuck to it for about 4 months or so.
    I just bought 10 amples sustanon 250. I was planning on doing some dbol with it.

    Now with my research, its not a good idea to run sus e5d. It should be more frequent. Yes ok.

    My question is if you jump on the dbol when the half life of the sus is decreasing you up the dosage of dbol..Would this keep the blood levels in a suitable range. Yes still up and down i know, but suitable.
    For example,

    Monday Sus 250mg
    M 25mg
    t 30 mg
    t 45mg
    f 50mg
    s 45mg
    s 40mg
    M Sus 250mg

    You cant get the idea that im leaning towards.

    Anyone have any thoughts.???

    Yes, I have my nolv, clomid is in the mail, and the only reason I didnt wanna up the sustanon to 500mg was to keep the price at a minimum. But i can get more in about 4 weeks.

    Any Ideas?


  2. #2
    secxces is offline New Member
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    And another thing, I picked 10 amps up for $190. Does that sound right or was i jipped?

  3. #3
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    lost with what u want to no and what your doing so your increasing sus on certain day and then decreasing wtf ???

  4. #4
    GetPumped's Avatar
    GetPumped is offline Senior Member
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    Don't worry about changing all the doses for the sustanon like you have it. Just shoot it EOD half a cc and you will be ok. You also will need more han 10 amps because if you are shooting it EOD like it should be, then the 10 amps will only last you about 2.5 weeks.

    You did get a VERY raw deal if you payed $190 for 10 amps of sustanon, it should be a good bit cheaper than that. That's $19/amp!!!! Not to discourage you, but you definitely need some more sus or else it would just be a waste of money and gear. I would go back and tell the guy you bought it from that he charged you too much and you will buy some more if he gives you a MUCH better deal or something like that. Good luck bro.

  5. #5
    needle's Avatar
    needle is offline Senior Member
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    Do what he said lol i paid 10 bucks for my redis of sus!!

  6. #6
    The One's Avatar
    The One is offline Associate Member
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    paid 10 also

  7. #7
    gotagetbig is offline Associate Member
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    Find a better source. You have to many middle men making money.

  8. #8
    secxces is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003
    ok I didnt explain clear enough,
    Ok My Question,
    If I shoot every Monday sus 250mg by the next shot the life of the last shot in my blood will be really low.
    To stop that, instead of shooting ed, eod, e3d, I wanted to know if I cycled in dbol in this fashion

    Week 1

    Monday 25 mg , Sus 250mg
    Tueday 30 mg
    Wen. 35 mg.
    Thursday 40 mg
    Firdya 45 mg
    Sat 50 mg
    Sun 50mg

    Week 2

    Monday 25 mg , Sus 250mg
    Tueday 30 mg
    Wen. 35 mg.
    Thursday 40 mg
    Friday 45 mg
    Sat 50 mg
    Sun 50 mg

    and so on continued for 10 weeks
    Do u see. Im trying to make up for the low blood sus levels with dbol. As the days get farther away from each shot I take more dbol. As I take the shot, I lower the dbol intake to make up for the shot of sus. Does this balance out my blood levels. Or do u have to balance it out with another test based gear.
    I didnt know if this was possible.

    Yea, I paid too much, thats what I though.
    I always get the **** end of the stick.


  9. #9
    Nickster#1's Avatar
    Nickster#1 is offline Banned
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    Need to know basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by secxces
    ok I didnt explain clear enough,
    Ok My Question,
    If I shoot every Monday sus 250mg by the next shot the life of the last shot in my blood will be really low.
    To stop that, instead of shooting ed, eod, e3d, I wanted to know if I cycled in dbol in this fashion

    Week 1

    Monday 25 mg , Sus 250mg
    Tueday 30 mg
    Wen. 35 mg.
    Thursday 40 mg
    Firdya 45 mg
    Sat 50 mg
    Sun 50mg

    Week 2

    Monday 25 mg , Sus 250mg
    Tueday 30 mg
    Wen. 35 mg.
    Thursday 40 mg
    Friday 45 mg
    Sat 50 mg
    Sun 50 mg

    and so on continued for 10 weeks
    Do u see. Im trying to make up for the low blood sus levels with dbol. As the days get farther away from each shot I take more dbol. As I take the shot, I lower the dbol intake to make up for the shot of sus. Does this balance out my blood levels. Or do u have to balance it out with another test based gear.
    I didnt know if this was possible.

    Yea, I paid too much, thats what I though.
    I always get the **** end of the stick.

    Dbol is not test, therefore it wont do anything to help your blood levels stay constant for test. You ned to use Sust at least eod. this is the only way to keep your blood levels stable for test. And just do the dbol at 45mg ed for the first 4 weeks, and get another 20 or so amps of sust, man up and do a real cycle, at least 12 weeks minimum, 15 would be better.
    Last edited by Nickster#1; 01-27-2005 at 09:48 AM.

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