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Thread: too much sauce?

  1. #1
    popeyethasailah's Avatar
    popeyethasailah is offline Junior Member
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    too much sauce?

    what up fellahs, i just need some opinions on this... i want to take deca mainly because it helps out the joints and with sports more then any other AS... but i will be taking EQ in my cycle, and i heard they dont go well together, or one cancels the other out, or sometihng... so if i were to take:

    fina/EQ/winny/testenanthate and propionate <~~(first 2 and last 2wks)/deca how would you arrange them for the most beneficial cycle.

    i am also not sure if taking winny while taking fina is important either, so any suggestions would be nice, thanks... and i will be using armi during and after with clomid.

  2. #2
    broncojosh's Avatar
    broncojosh is offline Senior Member
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    Why not run prop all the way through? If you are shooting fina, you have inject ed or eod anyway. The winny help balance out the effects of the fina, helping to prevent gyno.

  3. #3
    lil jay is offline Junior Member
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    fina wks1-6
    eneth wks 1-10
    deca wks 1-10(low mgs if just for lube)200mgs
    eq wks 1-10
    prop wks 1-3, 10-12
    winny wks 8-12
    good luck bro,could be a nice cycle

  4. #4
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    deca doesn't cancel out eq, but doesn't make it any better like winny or dbol would. basically if you're using 200mg/wk deca and 200mg/wk eq it would be like using 400mg/wk eq alone.

  5. #5
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    People usually choose one or the other because they both occupy the same receptors.

  6. #6
    timvds's Avatar
    timvds is offline Member
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    whoa, hold up. eq and deca occupy the same receptors? what do you mean? each androgen has a specific receptor? really? is there studies on this? ive heard this before, but never really understood. do they really work off a specific receptor or they just provide the same results?

  7. #7
    BIGBOSS's Avatar
    BIGBOSS is offline Banned
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