After reading SK* thread about human grade gear vs vet gear such as mexican gear,it got me thinking he was right about getting the cheaper stuff to save money, now that im thinking he got me worried about using Tornel or Brovel T200 and TT EQ and basically thats all i can afford 2vials of T200 and 2vials of TT EQ,plus i need arimidex/liquidex ,nolvadex,clomid.........dam all this BS about who makes better quality gear is starting to piss me, i mean i search Tornel and Brovel on the boards so they seem good not that many bad complaints and even if they did get a infection or abscesses it was mostly people who didn't take precautions on sterilizing the injection site and takin the alcohol pad and whiping on the top of the vial.......
** gets a bad rep,maybe its because of who you get the stuff from and they aren't reliable, maybe remailers or whoever !!!!! you get the gear from are being stingy about loading the vials...and rob you blind......
as for tornel and brovel WTF both companies makin T200 ,and yet everyone says Brovel is more dirty? how can both of them hold the same product name,what happened to copyright ??? in my ethical thinking i think Brovel and Tornel are togather ,they make certain things and other things they dont make for example Tornel Equigain which Brovel does not make,..........and how do we know that the Brovel and tornel Deca 200 arent made in the same labs?????? just cause a lable separates them Tornel Deca and Brovel..........
Me being a newbie,,,,,,,,,,,,,this is starting to suck!!!!!!!! i want the best out of my 1st cycle......but theres always rumors and stuff and scare u shitless about using that particular gear........
thanx for reading this