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Thread: Is this a Decent First Cycle???
01-28-2005, 06:06 PM #1
Is this a Decent First Cycle???
This is my first post, i've been on this site for a few months now reading up on some stuff, so here goes........
I'm 20, and i'll be 21 june first...
I have been lifting for 4 years, 3 of which i was extremely serious about it...
I am 187 lbs, 5 ft. 9. with ~8% bf...
I eat really clean... 10 Meals a day consisting of 3500 calories... consisting of ~300 g protein ~500 g carbs (low gi carbs all day except for 4 hrs post workout, high gi carbs are used then) and ~110 g fats, primarily mono and polyunsaturated, no hydrogenated oils, only sat. fat from meats such as chix, lean red meats and turkey burgers...
Bench: 310 lbs max
Squat: 435 lbs max (actually done correctly to/below parallel)
Deads: 350 lbs for 6 reps (again... actually done correctly)
Now for the cycle.......
Weeks 1 & 2: 250 mg Sust... 300 mg Deca ... 10 mg nolva...
Weeks 3 - 8: 500 mg Sust... 300 mg Deca... 10 mg nolva...
Weeks 9 - 10: 250 mg Sust... 10 mg nolva...
Week 11 - 13: 10-20 mg Nolva...
Clomid Therapy: Day 1: 300 mg and 10 mg nolva
Day 2 - 11: 100 mg and 10 mg nolva
Day 12 - 21: 50 mg and 10 mg nolva
***Also, what time of day is the best to take the nolva and the clomid... and... do you think i'm ready for a cycle come mid march/april????????
thanks for the help guys
no good try agen. lol we will let you know when you get a bingo.
01-28-2005, 06:10 PM #3
I think your ready for a cycle... sounds like you got your diet and training down better then most new guys who sign up on this board. A few things though... I would get a single ester test like enan or cyp. The sust has to be injected EOD.. hold on ill get a link for you that says all you need to know...
01-28-2005, 06:12 PM #4LORDBLiTZ Guest
Ditch the S250 and run 500mg of Test E or cyp EW with the deca . Keep the nolva on hand.
01-28-2005, 06:13 PM #5
01-28-2005, 06:13 PM #6LORDBLiTZ GuestOriginally Posted by gsxxr
Don't be an asshole. Help or go away.
01-28-2005, 06:14 PM #7Originally Posted by Consistency
01-28-2005, 06:14 PM #8
ya i would get rid of the sust, like said above get some test e or cyp and run it for 12 weeks at 500mg/week with deca at 400mg/week get some b6 for the deca and run the nolva trhuout at 10mg/ed.
01-28-2005, 06:33 PM #9
thanks for that link... i understand half lifes, i just didnt know that sust would flush that quickly... would the sust be equivalant to the single ester test if i were to use a single ml. every 3 or 4 days... one sunday and one weds/thurs??? or is it just better for me to start out with a single ester...
thanks for the help
01-28-2005, 06:36 PM #10
is 10 weeks too short?
Tycin:I dont wanna run the cycle for more than 10 weeks right now because i gotta vacation planned in the beginning of july, so i wanted my body to have a little bit of a shot to return to homeostasis before i go... would 10 weeks be too short, or is that fine??? if it's too short i can just wait till next fall or something... i wanna do my first one correctly so i get the most from it... because of diminishing returns.......
01-28-2005, 06:37 PM #11
use a single ester injected every 3.5 days... the sust has 4 different tests in it, one of them being propinate which you have to inject ED to keep blood levels stable, thats why you atleast have to shoot sust EOD
01-28-2005, 06:38 PM #12Originally Posted by EatRite
01-28-2005, 06:46 PM #13Originally Posted by Consistency
thanks again, i appreciate it...
01-28-2005, 06:47 PM #14
I don't know about these guys, but I got great results with Sust. Personally though, running a single ester such as Test E, might not be a bad idea. Good luck on your cycle.
01-28-2005, 06:49 PM #15
I would even maybe just drop the deca and just run test for 10 weeks @ 500mgs. Thats plenty for a first cycle. Then you can come back and run test/deca or test/eq etc.
01-28-2005, 07:11 PM #16
yea??? what does everybody else think about that???
01-28-2005, 07:17 PM #17Originally Posted by EatRite
02-01-2005, 12:52 AM #18Member
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So have you came up with what your gonna run?? Taking the sustan the way you have outlined with leave your blood level very unsteady and give a lot more sides. Also the deca will shut you down really hard and not being very familiar with PCT could also hurt.
1-14 500mg test E
1-13 400mg EQ Replacing deca
PCT week 17
Also if you want to be safe Buy 1 vial HCG and you can make a 3 combo cocktail. every 3 day then every 4 day back and foreth. 250mg test E the 200mg EQ and 1/10 of that vial of HCG 5000iu so that would put you at 500iu's a week. That would make for great gains and well as good position to keep them gains.
02-01-2005, 08:47 AM #19
what's your goal?
02-11-2005, 07:26 PM #20
my goal is to gain lean mass, but at a consistant rate, i dont want to gain like 20 pounds in 6 weeks or anything, or gain a ridiculous amount of water weight like dbol would give me... i'm trying to gain about 15-20 lbs in 10 weeks, but stay lean... i'm going to increase my caloric intake about 400 calories a day... 50 g protein and 50 g carbs...
ODIN: deca is a no go? i heard that deca is a better choice for strengh and size than eq... but i'm a novice, and i dont konw too much about juices?
what are the comparable gains from deca and eq? with either 500 mg a week of sust or test e...???
the main reason i was lookin at sust over test e is because i heard test e gives more water weight... is this true???
02-11-2005, 07:35 PM #21
ohhh... and i'm going to up my dose to 500 mg. for all 10 weeks for the test... whether it be sust or test e... i'm gonna do that... i hear it will work a little better
02-11-2005, 08:42 PM #22Member
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Originally Posted by EatRite
02-11-2005, 08:46 PM #23Member
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Originally Posted by EatRite
02-11-2005, 11:56 PM #24Originally Posted by Odin
02-12-2005, 09:55 AM #25Originally Posted by Odin
i just read a bio on eq and it sounds a lot more like what i want, but i have three questions...
1. it said that it is better for slow and steady gains, and you said it is better for 14 weeks... i can only do about a 16 week cycle including the clomid and two to three weeks in between shots and clomid ther. so would eq still be better if i only ran it for 8 weeks? or would that be pointless?
2. with eq, do i still need to take a 3 week break in between the shots and the clomid therepy???
3. what dosage of eq should i buy??? i read that it only comes in 25 mg and 50 mg... i can get whatever i want, i just needa know what to buy... is there any other potentcy out there that would give me the desired 150 to 300 mg a week???
thanks for the help man
02-12-2005, 10:49 AM #26
02-12-2005, 02:41 PM #27
Would it be better to take the HCG during the whole cycle, including the clomid therepy?
Would it be beneficial to run the HCG in the 3 weeks between the EQ/Test E AND the clomid???? and should i still take Nolva. with it???
02-12-2005, 05:18 PM #28
Don't run EQ unless your going to run it for 12wks atleast. I would recomend 500mg wk for a minium of 12wks, also you might consider throwing in some test e in the mix to so your whilly doesn't go limp. Just looking out for you bro. Good luck, on whatever you choose
02-12-2005, 07:00 PM #29
yea i'm gonna take sust or test e... at 500 mg a week injected every 3-4 days...
02-12-2005, 07:54 PM #30Member
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I would not go by the steroid profiles since a lot of smart bro's on the forum feel that it is way outdated. They rate Test E as not that good looking at the charts and it's the drug of choice on this forum to say the least. All the EQ I have bought is in 250mg cc to 300mg cc, so you should not have a problem getting it in those doses. Also the EQ is great to solidfy your tesosterone gains so you will keep a good amount of strengh and size. You will only need too take 2 shots a week to get your 500mg test and 400-500mg EQ, and you can just rotate shot's or if your by yourself you can do delt or pec shot's. I always do pec shots since i find them the least painful and can use a little 25gaude pin to inject but use a larger gaudge to draw out the oils. You would need 30 pins and maybe 30 replacebout smaller ones, so you don't get to much scare tissue. Let me know if you have somone to give you shots or if you will be doing them?? Main thing I would worry about is 1. Keeping blood level as stable as possable. 2. To force all your core lifts up 5-10 pounds a week, and don't overtrain, sweet short and hard reps around 6-8. 3. Make sure you eat plenty of food, but don't worry about this too much the EQ will make your a hunger MOFO
02-12-2005, 11:20 PM #31
I am a diet expert... i know exactly how and what to eat man... so the food wont be an issue...
overtraining... right now i workout 2 hours 4-5 times a week... i've changed up my workouts and ive found that 10 hours a week in two hour intervals are the best... also, i vary my rep numbers, i usually stick to base 6 reps, and switch months where i shoot for 6 to 8, or around 8 and then after two months of that i go to 4 reps to six reps but shoot for four and then two forced reps with a spotter... should i train more often? or just hit heavier weights??? i was def. gonna hit the heavier weights, but i didnt know if i should up my training to two a days, or to 6 days a week with much more food...
i'm gonna be shooting myself... which i think is risky for a newbie, but i've read up on the best ways to do it... SANITIZE SANITIZE SANITIZE is what i've read... i ordered 25 pins and syr... 23 g. 1.5 inches... i was thinking id use 1 needle to draw with for the whole time, and then put a clean needle on to inject each time... that would leave me a few needles leftover incase something goes wrong... i was thinking about shootin my glute, but is this not easy when ur flying solo???
is EQ good for only 10 weeks odin? i've read that it wont work unless u hit it for 12... should i just hit the deca hcg and test e??? is sust better than test e if you dont want more water weight???
02-13-2005, 12:42 AM #32Member
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Go with the Test Ethanate and don't worry about water if your running EQ, you won't be holding much water with this combo. Also when your running a cycle you cannot workout as often either cause your body naturally get's a lot stronger and this new stress really drain the body. YOu will feel really jacked starting about week 3 and the lifts will be going up but don't overtrain, I cannot stress this enough, way to maybe people get hurt doing this. If your bench is 310 than you should be able to do 275X6 just try add 5-10 pounds to this every week. Hopefully if you run a cycle of say 12 weeks of test and 11EQ your bench shoud be around 330x6 when your done if you really want it. Squat should be around 275x15 right away add 10 pounds to this a week and you'll be looking at about 385x15 at the end. Set goals and put the pressure on yourself every week. I would without a doubt run the EQ though, just make sure test E is run 1 week longer than the EQ. You will get better gains with Test E than sustan and will have less sides do to the more stable blood levels, mainly meaning less acne. On another good note Test E is less painfull aslo. I'm running a test E, EQ cycle right now BTW and am loving it. With your needles I would go with pec shot's but only put 1 inch of the needle in your chest and not 1.5 inches. I just seem to have better luck going their and less pain?? this is what I would do, Take one cc of both test e, and EQ then put the cap back on. Go to the bathroom and run hot water over the part of the syringe where the oil is until is very warm, then put the replacement needle on quick and injection into the pec. Remember to run the area with alchol ahead of time too. If your feel a little lump rub it out, cause it can happend now and then. 2cc in the pec right away will stretch it out a lot and it feels awsome personally. Like the pec is pumped up 24 hours a day. If your run this cycle you will be very happy and you got a nice base they way it is.
02-13-2005, 01:00 AM #33
thanks so much man... i really appreciate it... u answered all my questions real well...
i'll put some pre-cycle pics as well as some mid cycle and post cycle pics up around april to june...
i am really looking forward to walking into the gym every day after the first 3-4 weeks of the cycle and upping the weights... i'll literally nut my pants after each set...
02-13-2005, 02:08 PM #34Originally Posted by EatRite
02-13-2005, 02:35 PM #35
aight thanks man...
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