Check this out
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Check this out
what do you guys think?
yeah it hurts but you can take it. i just mixed it with eq and had no pain. but alone it hurts. but in the end if it is all you can get it is worth it. and to be honest i got a lot bigger off the QV than when i was on well known UG lab.
he shoot 1200mg in a rear delt that is dumb. sorry i stoped reading at that point.
I was more reffering to QV being crap?..
I like qv. best stuff I ever used. never had any pain
QV is a top quality product if it's coming from a trusted source.
I have to disagree here. When QV first started, they were the best stuff out of mex(IMO), but now that they established a solid reputation, they cut corners to make more money like brovel and tornel.I have used QV many times and in the last year, I was not satisfied with the results. THe only mex stuff I will trust is Denkall.Originally Posted by YounG_SluG11
Well I haven't used any of their gear for awhile that could be why. Sucks to see their rep goin' down like this.Originally Posted by aXe
Can I find good Boldenone/eq in mex?...if so any crappy brands to look out for?
It's true. QV's quality of their product has stooped quite low opposed to what they used to be. I won't touch them.
man ive been getting alot of mixed reviews on qv as of lately. personaly last time i really liked there eq and thought it was great. i dont know anyone who has bad results. also this is making me feel bad because i just bought 4 or 5 bottles and am getting ready to gear up. i can bet anyone here that i wont be dumb enough to shoot 1200 mgin my delt. wtf that is insane. umm umm ummm no thanks
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