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Thread: Sexual Sides for EQ and windstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Sexual Sides for EQ and windstrol

    Im gonna take these two what will it do to my sex drive, my nuts, and my johnson, what should i take to prevent anything??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    in some pu$$y
    yeah you dick probably wont be working after a few weeks of that. those alone without test will shut you down hard. you need test. you need to do a lot of research on this board before you even think of a cycle. make sure you read about PCT!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    what is PCT??, I keep seeing people refer to "test" is this teslac or what is the full name of it??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Testosterone. Man please do yourself a favor and research before you start gearing up. Please

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Nworb
    Im gonna take these two what will it do to my sex drive, my nuts, and my johnson, what should i take to prevent anything??

    bro you should get some test the test is your friend in every cycle & another thing read alot & do researches there is alot to learn from this site

    good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Nworb
    Im gonna take these two what will it do to my sex drive, my nuts, and my johnson, what should i take to prevent anything??
    pretty scarry.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    pretty scarry.
    I agree, real scary so many people are willing to just inject substances into their body that they know nothing about

    I recommend you take the next few months and study your ass off before you go near that syringe, if you die we all suffer the consiquenses

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Nworb
    what is PCT??, I keep seeing people refer to "test" is this teslac or what is the full name of it??
    Test = short for testosterone
    pct = post cycle therapy

    PCT is, well steroids of any kind shut down your natural testosterone production. PCT is a drug therapy primarily using a non-steroid, most likely clomid, nolva and/or tribulis or tongkat ali as legal herbal remedies to trigger the restart of your natural testosterone production.

    Studies have shown doing nothing will cause your testosterone production to return to normal in about 8 weeks. Taking clomid with or in place of tribulis and tongkat ali can accellerate this 8 week zero testosterone period down to as short as a few days to 3 weeks. Since when you are at below normal testosterone, the low testosterone has the effect of rapidly shrinking and removing the gains you made on the high testosterone. So reducing the amount of time you are low testosteroen and getting back to normal, the more gains you get to keep. Not taking a post cycle therapy drug would likely cause you to loose more muscle then you started with originally.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The funny thing is I am on this **** right now exaxtly. 600 mg of eq and 55mg of winny ED baby. Wow!!! its day eleven and my body has seriously never looked this good. Im like 205 6'4 at like 7-8% bf. I dont have any problems at all right now, im actually horneir then usuall, might just be that my gf is hot as hell, but anyway no problems bro's. ANyway everybody diffrent I say your cool but you know. If I did have any problems though, Bam!! in goes prop and Ill be horny in a matter of hours. But I do agree that both shut you down hard and a good pct method should be applied. Like ill be finishing my last 4 weeks with prop just to get back on my feet.

    There U have it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    It's a crazy place around here.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by sdk215
    The funny thing is I am on this **** right now exaxtly. 600 mg of eq and 55mg of winny ED baby. Wow!!! its day eleven and my body has seriously never looked this good. Im like 205 6'4 at like 7-8% bf. I dont have any problems at all right now, im actually horneir then usuall, might just be that my gf is hot as hell, but anyway no problems bro's. ANyway everybody diffrent I say your cool but you know. If I did have any problems though, Bam!! in goes prop and Ill be horny in a matter of hours. But I do agree that both shut you down hard and a good pct method should be applied. Like ill be finishing my last 4 weeks with prop just to get back on my feet.

    There U have it
    I'm using EQ/Winny/Tren and I agree! Look great, no bloat, hornier than off cycle, great size and strength gains, and I'm in my 9th week. Who needs that garbage (test)...

  12. #12
    i did an eq and winny cycle a little over a year ago. i thought it got me very hard and i really liked it . i would recomend adding some test to you cycle. this must be your first cycle so you might want to start low. be sure to run the test one week longer than the eq for the pct times to match up. help us help u , and do a bungh of search time. you will thank yourself. i read threads on this site for a year b4 i became member.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    united kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by Nworb
    what should i take to prevent anything??
    theres 1 good thing you can take to prevent alot of stuff happening to you thats called INFORMATION bro my advice is RESEARCH-RESEARCH-RESEARCH some more and then when you think your ready RESEARCH even more.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by spooledup
    I'm using EQ/Winny/Tren and I agree! Look great, no bloat, hornier than off cycle, great size and strength gains, and I'm in my 9th week. Who needs that garbage (test)...
    Who needs that garbage? About 95 percent of us do. If you honestly have no problems running that gear without test then you are a very rare example. What works for you WILL NOT work for everybody. All of your post say the same thing, that people dont need test, and that just isnt true.

    You are going to end up getting sombody hurt bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    Who needs that garbage? About 95 percent of us do. If you honestly have no problems running that gear without test then you are a very rare example. What works for you WILL NOT work for everybody. All of your post say the same thing, that people dont need test, and that just isnt true.

    You are going to end up getting sombody hurt bro.


    Test should be a part of every cycle in my opinion

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    What works for you WILL NOT work for everybody. All of your post say the same thing, that people dont need test, and that just isnt true.

    You are going to end up getting sombody hurt bro.
    excellent, and very important, point.

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