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Thread: Is this common

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    dirty south

    Is this common

    When i run test 400mg/ml it seems like i stay sick the whole time . (the whole time) test250mg/ml im sick the first 3 weeks. what could cause that? Maybe rection to the BA content.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BEEF
    When i run test 400mg/ml it seems like i stay sick the whole time . (the whole time) test250mg/ml im sick the first 3 weeks. what could cause that? Maybe rection to the BA content.
    Test Flu>>>??? That would be my guess.

    The reason for this could be that T400 is almost always a vet steriod... Can be dirty... BUT on the other hand I have used it without any sick sides.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    It is common to be have a touch of the flu early on as AAS lowers your immune system but all cycle long. I would say make sure your not overtraining. I have never done any T-400 but I have bros who didn't like it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    my guess is your are reacting to the different alcohol content.

  5. #5
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    AAS lowers your immune system

    That's not entirely true. Only in excessive amounts.

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