My friend and I are taking deca and were gaining weight pretty fast then we started taking test-e and now we are losing weight fast. We haven't changed our workouts, amount of sleep/rest time and we both eat plenty. Any ideas?![]()
My friend and I are taking deca and were gaining weight pretty fast then we started taking test-e and now we are losing weight fast. We haven't changed our workouts, amount of sleep/rest time and we both eat plenty. Any ideas?![]()
Stop pissing and try not to sweat...
Your propbably losing water, don't worry about it.
Originally Posted by 666monster
Maybe you should have done some research before??? You should have started both esters simultaneously. Sounds like a simple case of ignorance.Originally Posted by 666monster
Originally Posted by odrorir
LOL...good would suck if u one day just pissed all ur muscle away
this is what it sounds like to me, did deca got gains, but got shut down, stopped deca didnt do PCT, test levels are really low so gains started to go away, started shooting test e, but since it takes a while for the ester to build up in your system, youre gains kept falling. The problem couldve been avoided by doing a little research first and running deca and test together and doing proper PCT
PCT is so important, that 666 fella needs to learn how to do some research.. especially when he's dealingwith powerful stuff.
bad mistake my man, who told you to do your cycle like that anyway?!! - it's just wrong haha
didn't have the test at first and yes I ran them at the same time but was unable to start them at the same time can research that's why I'm here las time I did this cycle had great gains this time not so much ... what is PCT ?
again looking for some advice or ideas as to why this might have happened this time around
oouch!!!! you did a cycle and now your asking what is that sux. post cycle some more research, key words: nolva, clomid, letro, Ldex..need pct, just as important as the gear itself, if not up bro...Originally Posted by 666monster
you should wait until you have all your gear and pct supplies before you begin any cycle. PCT=post cycle therapy you need to do it if you want to keep your gains amongst other reasonsOriginally Posted by 666monster
Eat more! If you're not growing then it's simple, you're just not eating enough. Eat lost of carbs, protein, and fats. Post your diet up in the diet forum and have it critiqued.
I should have my @$$ diet critiqued....all I eat is eggs, tuna fish and noodles. Massive amounts. Yet I still lose weight. Test-e messing me up?
"massive amounts" doesn't tell us a quantity... post up your diet in the appropriate forum for critique.Originally Posted by YouCanDoIt
theres only one choice you have. toxic amounts of dianabol, so much that all you poop out is powder. or maybe researching and learning the proper way to mold cycles.
Massive ammounts is, i guess : 1 can tuna (per meal) or 4 separated eggs, plus 1.5 cup noodles. But, yeah, you're right bro. actually, I have posted a diet project of mine in the diet questions forum. I'm going a whole other way.
Maybe you got fake test?Originally Posted by 666monster
Did you eat enough calories? It's just as important as the proteins. Four eggs (~30g prot) and one cane of tuna (~35g prot) is like nothing. Eat 6-8 times a day with something in between. Don't wait till you starve. Food makes the muscles, not the gear.
666 - What was the time frame of your cycle? All you said was you were taking deca gaining pretty fast and then started test e and started loosing fast. How long were you taking deca before you started test? And much weight did you gain and then loose. These stats are important to understand so that we aren't just guessing. Also, how many calories are you eating everyday. And, do some research pronto on PCT (post cycle theropy if you hope to retain any of your gains)
thanks for all of the advice from everyone. I've never heard the term PCT used before but I am familliar with post cycle therapy.
5 weeks of deca @ 400mg a week then started test-e @ 250mg a week then up to 750mg a week after doing some research and finding out you can take up to 1000mg a week of test-e after about 2 weeks of test- e just seemed to start losing weight and strentgh fast. wasn't even done with my cycle yet so It wasn't time for the PCT diet is what it is due to the nature of my job and area of the world that I'm in I have protien powder but can't have a ideal diet plan plan.
Bro you just answered your own question. Your cycle was wrong, your diet was wrong and you didnt do PCT. I am not being a smart arse but you wont make those mistakes again will you ?. You need to read some sh!t around here and find out what to do next time. Read this Ignore the cycle advice in there, but the rest of it is good info that you need.Originally Posted by 666monster
well I thought that PCT was for after I wasn't done with my cycle yet so I didn't start my nolvadex. as far as diet goes I'm not trying to be cut just big so as far as the forums go look at the dosage or what ? you said to ignore the cycle advice so what specificlly should I be reading in there?
bro just do urself a favor and stay away from steroids till u know a bit more..u dont wanna hurt urself now...
Good luck with what you already have going, but next time you really do need to put a lot more effort into what you are doing. Once you have started, you should know all that you need to know plus some. You may very well hurt yourself more than you help if you don't watch yourself and be careful. What's the point of the training and supps if you make one mistake and screw it all up? Not flaming you man, just trying to help.
Why deca for only 5 weeks? Deca is a long lasting ester so it takes about 4-5 before it really kicks in. Test e takes just about as long to kick in too. YOu shouldve done something like thisOriginally Posted by 666monster
1-11 Deca 400mg
1-12 test e 500mg
Pct two weeks after last shot of test
666 - putting together a test / deca cycle isn't rocket science. However, you really need to do your complete research before starting. You are just going to have to chalk this one up to inexperience. But, don't let that happen again.
Do your research first then buy what you need. Dont start until you have it all. There are alot of books out there. It would be alot easier to buy a book which tells you enough to get you started and then you should get on here to ask questions. At this point your most likely going to be where you started as soon as you come off.
no ace ventura, I eat that about every three hours
That's still nothing at all... add up your daily calories/protein/fat/carbs here www.fitday.comOriginally Posted by YouCanDoIt
I think you'll be surprised at how little you actually eat.
Yeah...I guess you're right. Perhaps I should add smth with more calories, like oil or dressing. Maybe. Thanks bros.
How many grams of tuna do you eat each day? Just wondering.. I eat tuna myself. Usually 150g (one cane) and sometimes up to 300g. Don't think I could do more than that every day...without getting bored pretty fast.
I eat about two to three cans of tuna a day. (I try to eat every three hours, so about one can of tuna goes into one meal. Plus noodles. and about a cup of vegetables) If it's not tuna, I'll have eggs, about four, plus noodles. As far as dressing goes, I was thinking smth. like honey Dijon, or smth. like that, which would taste pretty good. Maybe oil, like olive or soybean. To add a bit of calories (plus omega-3 and -6 which is good)
man you need to start eating bro. tuna wont get you big. you need oats, rice, BEEF, CHICKEN, WHOLE EGGS. no more tuna/noodles bro. TRUST ME you are not eating enough. and natty pb and udos oil are great for fats. also have at least 2 servings of greens like brocolli and rommaine lettuce and spinach. these greens are best.
Spend A LOT of time in the diet forum bro. The things you will learn there are priceless.
Oh, yeah. I have eggs. Granted, I separate yolks from some (two-three egg whites, two whole eggs.) And frozen vegtables. I get the big costco bags of "Normandy Mix) I guess I could up the AMOUNT of food by approx. 200 calories each meal.Originally Posted by Starkraven
I do believe that food is what gets you big, not the gear.
yaupOriginally Posted by YouCanDoIt
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